
Tuesday, December 20, 2016

more detail on last night's Bloomingdale Civic Assn Historic Preservation Committee

Here is more detail from last night's Bloomingdale Civic Association meeting regarding the BCA Historic Preservation Committee:

A motion was made that the BCA Historic Preservation Committee present a summary of key points at the Monday, 01-23-2017, BCA meeting -- and then a vote be taken at the Monday, 02-27-2017, BCA meeting on whether to seek neighborhood Historic District designation.

The BCA would decide in January who is able to vote at the February BCA meeting regarding Historic District designation.

A friendly amendment was made that a full report be given in January instead of just a summary of key points. The motion passed unanimously.

There was a suggestion that a summary of the Committee’s report be placed on the website before the January 2017 BCA meeting.

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