
Thursday, December 29, 2016

thanking Teri Janine Quinn for her service as ANC5E Chair and ANC5E06 Single Member District Commissioner

Teri Janine Quinn's role as ANC5E06 Commissioner and as ANC5E Chair is coming to an end.

A newly elected ANC5E06 Commissioner takes office next month.  Her name is Katherine McClelland.

The ANC5E commissioners -- some old, some new -- will amongst themselves elect a new ANC5E chair to replace Teri Janine.  The formal vote for the new ANC5E chair will occur at the Tuesday, 01-17-2017, ANC 5E public meeting.

Teri Janine will continue on as the President of the Bloomingdale Civic Association.

Let's thank Teri Janine for her service as ANC5E06 Commissioner and for her leadership as ANC5E Chair.

See this subsequent tweet from @TrinityPrez:

thanks Teri Janine for your fine leadership!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you, TJ, for a job well-done. This community has benefited from your service and leadership. What's next??? :)
