
Thursday, December 22, 2016

the 2016 WCP Loosey's "Every Day I'm Shoveling Award" goes to McMillan

Click on the link to read the entire Washington City Paper post.

The Loosies: The Worst of D.C. Politics in 2016   
The Green Team falters, Kaya Henderson falls from grace, and other dubious 2016 honors
Dec 22, 2016 6 AM

Hey, 2016, come on in. No, sit down. We need to talk. Look, Loose Lips loves you very much, but we’ve had a rough go. I just think we should see other years. There, there. I know it’s hard. Look, we’re not leaving you empty-handed. Whenever the wind whistles in the leaves, you’ll think, “Loosies.” 

Every Day I’m Shoveling Award
...goes to our own Mayor Bowser, who finds herself with ground to break but nothing to do at the McMillan Reservoir. The same civic titans who thought that Columbia Heights would look great have spent years assuring the good people of North Capitol Street that the mega-development of the old sand filtration plant would make their neighborhood extra spiffy. 
Somehow Bowser’s word just isn’t enough (what, is she letting Jo-Ann Armao write her stuff?). Earlier this month the D.C. Court of Appeals sided with opponents in vacating zoning approvals for the city’s longest-running—and most complex and contentious—real estate project. So Bowser gets to “break ground” on a project that may never happen. 

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