
Tuesday, December 27, 2016

WaPo: " 'Everybody had a crush on her': Before she was killed, Tricia McCauley radiated light"

Click on the link to read the entire Washington Post article.

‘Everybody had a crush on her’: Before she was killed, Tricia McCauley radiated light
By Rachel Weiner and John Woodrow Cox

Tricia McCauley was a luminous actress, a master herbalist, a gardener, a yogi. She also was a spiritual guide and a free therapist, usually over a glass of red wine.

On Tuesday, McCauley’s disparate D.C. communities were bound in grief over the violent murder of a woman known best for her serenity.

McCauley, 46, disappeared on her way to a Christmas dinner Sunday and was found beaten and strangled in her car early Tuesday morning.

“She was always seeking a kind of balance between her different energies and her different interests,” said Mosaic Theater Artistic Director Ari Roth, who directed McCauley at Theater J. “She radiated light and fierce ­determination.”

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