
Thursday, December 29, 2016

WCP's "Remembering the People, Places, and Ideals That D.C. Lost in 2016" includes Seth Rich

Click on the link to read the entire Washington City Paper article.

Remembering the People, Places, and Ideals That D.C. Lost in 2016
It's a year we're happy to see go.
Dec 29, 2016 6 AM


Seth Rich

It was tragic enough that a promising young man’s life was mercilessly snuffed out when he was shot multiple times in July as he walked home in Bloomingdale after being out with friends. But then dark-web bottom feeders turned 27-year-old Seth Rich’s murder into a sick political parlor game. Hiding behind internet handles and committed to nothing but fomenting chaos and misinformation, these online trolls managed to convince a virtual syndicate of dimwits that the Democratic National Committee staffer’s killing was some sort of payback for leaking DNC emails to Wikileaks. Never mind that there’s no evidence to support the odious claim. Meanwhile, his grieving parents are left to live not only with the loss of their son but with the lie being perpetuated online. As his father Joel Rich told City Paper in November, “How can people stoop so low?” —Liz Garrigan 

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