
Sunday, January 22, 2017

Samsara House 2023 message: "How to Make America Great" an article by D.C. Awakening Co-Founder and Bloomingdale resident Cullen Kowalski

From: Cullen Kowalski []
Sent: Saturday, January 21, 2017 3:46 PM
Subject: "How to Make America Great" an article by D.C. Awakening Co-Founder and Bloomingdale resident Cullen Kowalski

Meilleurs Voeux 2017

and Some Real News

Do as the French do..  Send your New Year's wishes up until January 31st and continue "la fĂȘte" or celebration of the end of the past year and the coming of the new year as long as possible!  This is reason enough for us to seek out new and more profound ways of being together than anyone has ever experienced, and in doing so, naturally contribute to creating a more beautiful world our hearts know is possible.  

A more beautiful world is one which we and others appreciate who we are and what we have to offer, one in which we can feel an unexplainable deep connection with others and all "things"--in the heart--and one in which there is a true life-work balance or integration--the workplace is alive and fulfilling and there is wellbeing with others and ourselves.

For most, this may seem to be an impossible endeavor--to change or evolve society and culture to such a degree, especially considering how much the show of populism is likely to distract just under half of this country for the next four years.  But exciting new ways of being with others have been incubating mainly in the San Francisco Bay area and in Boulder, Colorado over the last twenty-six years, and are now being offered right here in D.C. and Virginia through the D.C. Awakening Collective and others.  The D.C. Awakening Collective includes Samsara House 2023, Awakening New Possibilities LLC and launching this January, Meditate Everywhere LLC (see below). 

In January, we restart the successful monthly Open Fireside Chat Awakening Circle (see below) and an inaugural launch of Meditate Everywhere just steps from the White House (Jan 25th).  You are invited to come see what this movement is all about and learn how to increase the capacity to be with yourself and others in a more authentic way than anyone ever knew was possible. Be sure to read our article published in the January 2017 edition of Natural Awakenings magazine.  [Flip through the Full January Guide]

To you and yours, and all others who may cross your paths or come into your lives anew this year, may this 2017th year be one in which we all find more ease, more stillness, and more brightness in the relationships with ourselves and others, and may our lives be and become full of more space, more healing and more possibilities.

Meilleurs Voeux 2017 ("milly-yuurr vurh, deurh-mill set"),
Cullen Kowalski

20 JAN FRI - 
How to Make America Great (Natural Awakenings, Jan 2017)
by Cullen Kowalski and Matt Willmott
"Cullen Kowalski knows that our elected leaders will not save us. The solution, he says, is to help guide an evolution in consciousness.  Kowalski aims to act locally, but he is not thinking small."  [continue reading..]

Inaugural Launch: Meditate Everywhere, steps from the White House
Wednesday After Work, January 25, 2016 
5:30pm - 6:45pm 
Cost: FREE
Venue: WeWork Metropolitan Square @ 655 15th Street NW 20005
(enter building on G Street NW - Walk from Metro Center & McPherson Square)

The New Year is a powerful time for reflection and contemplation. It is a time for all of us to review the past and look into the future, to create new positive changes. Learn key essential mindfulness skills and practices to begin your New Year with more clarity, more wholeness and on purpose.

Come join Meditate Everywhere--a full-service business provider of workday meditation programs, for an engaging 75-minute meditation session on the future now of business management and a whole new way of being together at work. Please try to arrive and be seated by 5:20pm. Opening bell starts at 5:30pm sharp.

Please sign-up/RSVP:  Please Note: You will not be able to enter the building without your name on the check-in list, so please RSVP to attend.

Meditate Everywhere designs, hosts and facilitates transformative corporate meditation programs which shift the normal workday into a whole new way of being together at work.  Interpersonal Mindful Meditation within the workplace brings True Corporate Wellness and Integrated Mindful Leadership. Loyalty. Trust. Productivity.  All hands on deck.

For more information, send contact:

Open “Fireside” Chat Awakening Circle with Bennett Crawford & Cullen Kowalski

Note: The normally scheduled Saturday Jan 21st Fireside Chat has been moved to next Saturday Jan 28th to accommodate the Women's March in D.C.

Saturday Evening January 28, 2016 
7:30pm - 9:30pm 
Cost: $5 - Tea and Conscious Snacks Served (cash or

We're doing it again!  This monthly community gathering for discovering how to cultivate real connection with ourselves and others happens again next Saturday January 28th!  
There is no community without connection. Samsara House 2023 seeks to create and hold space in which profound connections happen. The result is a real community of humans who live and die (continuously), committed to each other like never before. A community that lives, acts and talks from the Heart and no longer from only the head of ideas and concepts. 
Open to the participants of our workshops and anyone who is committing to changing the world by how they show up in the world. We automatically transmit our new way of being to others around us; we create ripples. Sitting in mutuality with others helps accelerate our individual awakening. Mysteriously, we gradually relax into the ground of Being and all Knowing while we continuously let go from the ground of fear, and polish the mirror of our consciousness along the way. The leading edge of meditation is interpersonal and the practice of mutuality. The future spirituality is experiential. Like everything, we only get good at it when we practice. Come on out and practice in togetherness. You won't regret it.
Read flyer:

Please sign-up/RSVP:

Save the Dates for these upcoming Fireside Chats: Feb 11, March 11, April 8

* * * * * 

About DC Awakening Collective, (est. 2016)

Pierre Teilhard de Chardin once said,  
“There is almost a sensual longing for communion with others that have a larger vision. The immense fulfillment of the friendships between those engaged in furthering the evolution of consciousness has a quality almost impossible to describe.”
The D.C. Awakening Collective contains a group of organizations, which collaborate and share resources to fulfill the overall purpose of the collective: to ignite an evolution in both cultural and individual conscious.  The collective was launched in March 2016 and governs itself with Holacracy, an evolutionary organizational operating system recognized within the movement of Teal Management.

Be and become inspired to come participate in one or more experiential events being offered, and join us in building the awakened society our hearts know is possible.  

The founding members of the collective are: 

• Samsara House 2023 - [website
      Experiencing What's Possible 

- A venue space for experiencing, learning and spreading leading-edge ways of being to help create the world our hearts know is possible.

• Transforming Organizations LLC - [meetup]
     Evolve the self => Evolve the organization => Transform the world

- Integrated corporate programs for helping shift organizations to revolutionary new ways of self-organization

- Introduction to Holacracy workshops, Holacracy simulation workshops, Pilot programs and Full installs (offered in English and French)

• Meditate Everywhere LLC (new) - [website
     Corporate Meditation Programs

- A full-service business provider of workday meditation programs which invoke the future now of business management and a whole new way of being together at work. 

• Awakening New Possibilities LLC - [no website yet] 
      Creating Space for Healing, Connection and Awakening 

- One-on-one private mindfulness meditation therapy sessions by a licensed social worker

* * * * *

You never change things by fighting the existing reality.  To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete. ~ Buckminster Fuller 

Be the change you wish to see in the world. ~ Gandhi

* * * * *

Join the DC Awakening Collective Meetup

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