
Sunday, January 08, 2017

WaPo: "Man charged in killing of yoga instructor has long record, but mostly for theft"

Click on the link to read the entire Washington Post article.

Man charged in killing of yoga instructor has long record, but mostly for theft

Shortly before 6:30 a.m. on Dec. 17, Adrian Duane Johnson walked into a CVS pharmacy in Columbia Heights. Police said he grabbed four Oral B Pro electric toothbrushes, retailing for $217.98 total, and refused to pay.
The 29-year-old was arrested and detained for three days, then released to await court hearings and possibly a trial. He was homeless and had a string of convictions for shoplifting, typically spending no more than 10 to 15 days in jail at a time.
Johnson has now been charged with killing Tricia Lynn McCauley, a 46-year-old yoga instructor and popular stage actress who disappeared in the District on her way to Christmas dinner Dec. 25. Her friends have complained that the justice system failed by shielding Johnson from serious penalties in a lifetime of crime.

See this subsequent comment posted at the Ward 5 listserv at Yahoogroups by Ward 5 resident Kathy Henderson:

From: []
Sent: Monday, January 9, 2017 1:26 AM
Subject: Re: [WARD5] WaPo: "Man charged in killing of yoga instructor has long record, but mostly for theft"

Cases like this one underscore why the 5D Court Watch program is important, giving residents a voice regarding repeat offenders. Shutting the revolving door on crime protects public safety by holding repeat perpetrators accountable. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain by writing an anonymous community impact statement to be considered at sentencing. Judges are listening.

I started  5D Court Watch in 2008, after then suspect Kerstan Leonard failed to show up for a court hearing to answer for an alleged violent crime.  Despite his ten-year record, underscoring, probable cause to remand to custody until trial he was allowed to go free without even having to wear a GPS ankle bracelet. The judge said none of his colleagues should hear the case until he returned from Christmas break. I issued a clarion call and concerned residents amplified rightfully outraged voices. Mr. Leonard was remanded until trial and justice prevailed. Before he was taken off the streets MPD had to provide around-the-clock protection for the victims. 

We need to speak up forcefully regarding repeat offenders to hold them accountable. The 5D Court Watch initiative allows our voices to be heard. We are a critical component of shutting the door on repeat offenders.

Kathy Henderson, 5D05
5D Court Watch Coordinator    

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