
Sunday, February 05, 2017

February Events and You're Invited! - Samsara House 2023 Newsletter moves to the D.C. Awakening Collective  

From: Cullen Kowalski []
Sent: Saturday, February 4, 2017 5:57 PM
Subject: February Events and You're Invited! - Samsara House 2023 Newsletter moves to the D.C. Awakening Collective

Final Newsletter from Samsara House 2023
February 2017
This is the Final Newsletter from Samsara House 2023.  I would like to express my sincere gratitude to everyone who decided to subscribe to this mailing list over the past three years--one by one, this list grew to just over 400 people..

Whether you were inspired by SH2023's purpose to show up at one or more conscious gatherings, events, classes, or workshops being offered and become part of the community, or you were following along all this time in your own way as a passive participant, thank you.  I will continue to welcome you to come explore a range of leading-edge methods for deep healing, real connection and bright awakening and learn how to embody new ways of being in your life to show up in the world more powerfully with confidence, trust and wholeness.

Going forward, all event communications will be sent through the "D.C. Awakening Collective" Meetup group to help us stay in touch as much as we each prefer.  Your account on will allow you to configure how and how often you would like to receive event reminders instead of receiving newsletter pushes and event reminders by e-mail and Facebook.  You will still receive e-mail reminders from Meetup, but only when you want them, if at all.  Since is dedicated to presenting only those topics in which we are interested and only when we are interested in learning about them, it makes sense for us to move to this platform as we each change and grow and move forward in more powerful ways.  (We will also be moving to for writing original content for anyone on the mailing list who is an author or who already spends time on that outlet.)
Below are the February events which will be listed on the Meetup.  To express interest in attending an event or to register you will click RSVP on the Meetup's page and also see others who intend to participate.  By centralizing our e-mail responses, Facebook "Yes'", and RSVP's in one place, I hope we will be able to gain more momentum towards building something together with the D.C. Awakening Collective.

If you do not wish to continue then there is nothing to do--I wish you well on your path.

Best wishes, and see you there, or until we meet again,
Cullen Kowalski
Co-Founder D.C. Awakening Collective

* If you are finding this message in your spam folder now or are only reading it months later, you may still join the Meetup by clicking the link above. 
Summary of Events for February
(February 5, 12, 19, 26) February 4-Week Meditation Series Continues, "New Year - New Me" * (Feb 11) Open "Fireside" Chat Awakening Meditation Circle (Next dates March 11, April 8) * (Feb 18) Essential Mindfulness for Daily Living Workshop * (March 31) Save the Date: An Introductory Evening with Waking Down in Mutuality (WDM) Founder Saniel & Senior WDM Teacher Linda Groves-Bonder * (April 1-2) Save the Date: HeartSoak Weekend Retreat - Exploring the transmission and teachings of the Heart with Saniel Bonder & Linda Groves-Bonder (An extraordinary weekend you will not want to miss! - Cullen)

February 2017

5, 12, 19, 26 - SUNDAY MORNING
February 4-Week Meditation Series
with Bennett Crawford and Cullen Kowalski

9:30AM - 10:45AM
$50 Four Week Series (all four classes) - $20 Drop-in for any class
Download Flyer:

Venue: East meets West Yoga Center in Vienna, VA 
Read more and preregister :

“Learn key essential mindfulness skills and practices to 
begin your New Year with clarity, inspiration and purpose.”

When we begin the new year, we are full of good intentions. We set goals and create resolutions and we are driven, inspired and determined to become better people.

During the month of January we start strong and feel we are on top of our intentions and goals--we often get off to a good start. But what happens after a few months? Usually, what tends to happen is life happens and we become distracted.  What also might creep in is avoidance and procrastination as old habits come back after we experience the daily stress and adversity of living.

During this month’s meditation series we will continue to build on and focus on our intentions for the new year while we address how we can effectively deal with distractions, avoidance and procrastination as life continues to happen around us.

Each four-week series will focus on a new theme of meditation.  Some topics being explored include: Setting Positive Intentions (January), Overcoming procrastination (February), Facing Uncertainty (March) and Fear of the Unknown (April), Transforming Stress in our Lives (May), and much, much more..  Joining the whole series is ideal for a complete experience, but dropping-in for a specific part of the series if also beneficial and welcomed.

Come join Bennett and Cullen to learn through meditation:

Week 1: February 5th
How to become Fully Present and Embodied

Week 2: February 12th
How to recognize old habits and patterns that derail us from our intentions

Week 3: February 19th
How to work with avoidance and resistance

Week 4: February 26th
How to overcome procrastination so that we can return to our intentions and goals

Our Regular Monthly Gathering at Samsara House 2023 in Bloomingdale, D.C.
11 FEB - SATURDAY NIGHT ! (Future Dates 11 March, 8 April)

Open "Fireside" Chat Awakening Meditation Circle
with Bennett Crawford and Cullen Kowalski
Cullen Kowalski and Bennett Crawford are pleased to invite you to our monthly Open “Fireside” Chat Awakening Circle.  We would like to share with you our direct experiences with meditation in the context of awakening, open heart mutuality, deep healing and shadow work--ingredients which appear to be essential for igniting a whole new way of life of ultimate liberation, freedom and explosive radical love.  This open style peer mutuality circle is about learning from each other how meditation can create the space for not only accelerating the discovery of our deepest Self, but also sharing with each other how meditation can open us to new possibilities.  The results of this way of meditation are extraordinary.  We are in the process of developing leading-edge programs for individuals and organizations to share a variety of meditations which are "full spectrum" in nature so that meditation can be directly applied at all places throughout our day.  Developing and practicing "full spectrum" mindfulness is not just for personal benefit--it's a way of being so that your true gifts can be shared with the world right now and in every moment when it is most needed.
Come join us, we have a seat waiting for you!  We look forward to meeting you, learning about your unique experience with meditation and share with you a vision of what’s possible.
Please RSVP to let us know you are coming.

7:30PM - 9:30PM
Cost $5 - Tea and Conscious Snacks Served

Venue: @ Samsara House 2023 in Washington, D.C. 20001
Read Flyer :

Mark Your Calendars, Show Up! Same Time, Same Place
Next dates: 11 March and 8 April 


Essential Mindfulness For Daily Living Workshop 
with Bennett Crawford and Cullen Kowalski

1:00PM - 4:00PM
$45 Pre-registered - $55 At the door
Read Flyer:

Venue: East meets West Yoga Center in Vienna, VA 
Read more and preregister :

How many of you would like to develop more Mindfulness and Compassion in your life? How many of you would like to deal more effectively with stress and adversity with a sense of freedom so you can make the best choices possible based on your deepest values?  Many of us are experiencing a great deal of stress and adversity these days because of the never ending demands and pressures of everyday life.  This workshop could be for you.

Many of us have heard that the practice of Mindfulness is a great skill to develop because there is a lot of evidence sharing how it can transform our lives for the better.  But how many of us are practicing or even have the time to do so?  Whether we are a beginner, intermediate or advanced practitioner, we are all being called to practice and engage in mindfulness on a daily basis.  When we learn how to bring the essential skills into our daily lives, doing so will provide us the space to deal with the stress and pressures of life with more ease and flow.

This workshop is ideal for anyone interested in learning the essential skills and capacities for cultivating and developing the power of mindfulness.

In this workshop, you will learn how to:
  • Cultivate and develop more Presence and Compassion in your daily life
  • Develop necessary concentration capacities and skills to deal with the scattered mind
  • Relate and engage with thoughts, feelings and emotions with skill, grace, and ease
  • Deepen a sense of inner stability and groundedness no matter what life brings
  • Bring awareness to unconscious eating habits through mindful eating
  • Strengthen our power of awareness with mindful movements
Come and join Bennett and Cullen on a half-day journey in learning, and growing together while cultivating the essentials of mindfulness skills for daily life. 
* * * * *
Save the Date: Friday, March 30

An Introductory Evening with Waking Down in Mutuality Founder and Senior Teacher Saniel & Linda Groves-Bonder

Save the Date: Saturday & Sunday April 1 & 2

HeartSoak Weekend Retreat
Exploring the transmission and teachings of the Heart

with Saniel Bonder & 
Linda Groves-Bonder
* * * * * 
About Samsara House 2023, (est. 2013)

What we do
Offering extraordinary experiences from the leading-edge of healing, connection and awakening. Beginner to advanced workshops and integrated programs for individuals, communities, schools and corporations. [ ... ] 

● creating space for healing, connection and awakening

● developing the ability to tap into the full potential of human life

● activating the next evolutionary level of consciousness

Guiding Principles

You never change things by fighting the existing reality.  To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete. ~ Buckminster Fuller

Be the change you wish to see in the world. ~ Gandhi 
* * * * *

Join the Samsara House 2023 mailing list:

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