
Thursday, February 16, 2017

McMillan-related: "how can I fight against taking away the rights of residents to challenge development decisions in the courts?" (Comprehensive Plan)

From: []
Sent: Thursday, February 16, 2017 2:19 PM
Subject: Re: [HistoricWashington] Developers Take Aim at the Comprehensive Plan
"Clarify zoning authority.  Through the Comprehensive Plan, the District should affirm that the Zoning Commission has the purview to allow increased density for Planned Unit Developments that supersedes the levels in the Comprehensive Plan's maps in exchange for community benefits."

Several people have asked, "What can I do to help fight this?"  Here are some ideas:

1.  The first step is to make others aware that DC developers and their "smart growth" supporters (who receive substantial funding from developers) are pushing to enact this significant change to the Comprehensive Plan and take away the rights of residents to challenge development decisions in the courts.  Share the Committee of 100 press release and/or the information within it with your friends, neighbors, and other networks.

2.  Contact:

Mayor Muriel Bowser --

Eric Shaw, Director of DC's Office of Planning --

Tanya Stern, Deputy Director, Planning, Engagement and Design, DC's Office of Planning --

Your representatives on the Council of the District of Columbia -- Councilmembers
Let them know that the Comprehensive Plan amendment process should not be used to undermine the rights of DC residents in city growth and planning decisions.

3.  Get involved in the DC Office of Planning Comprehensive Plan amendment process.  As one former ANC Commissioner put it: "This document is not shelfware."  This document will help shape city policies on future growth and development, housing, housing services, environmental protection, transportation, historic preservation and a range of other city policies and choices.  If you want your interests represented and reflected in the Plan, then you need to be involved.  Check out OP's website for more information and to get email updates.  Comprehensiveplan | Comprehensive Plan


Caroline Petti

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