
Sunday, March 26, 2017

a neighbor asks: "Did house numbers on the unit block of Adams Stree NW change between 1912 and 1929?"

See this 03-26-2017 message from a neighborhood resident:

Click here to see this old photo of the unit block of Adams Street NW, north side, looking from 1st Street NW.

I am trying to figure out the house numbers for the unit block of Adams Street, NW -- they appear to have changed some time between 1912 and 1929. 

While I am trying to figure out how to search this, I thought you could share the picture and see if a neighbor could provide the answer. 

Here is the image:


  1. Yes, the house numbers on this block did change. Check out the 1919 Baist Atlas plate here:

    The land that 1-20 Adams St NW sit on was at that time owned by the "German Evangelical Society" which I assume is related to Prospect Cemetery. The first house on Adams at the time (21 Adams on the North side) was 15 Adams at that time.

    I saw this image a couple weeks ago and what stood out to me is that all the houses have that scalloped detailing above the cornice - none of the houses have that anymore! Not sure what it was made of but apparently it did not hold up.

  2. What a nightmare- to have your house number changed. Poor residents and mail carriers.

    The picture of Channing (from the same photographer) shows the houses with a detail that is no longer there. So someone told me it wasn't the same block. But pretty sure the photo is correctly labeled.

    I had the same thought - that whatever that detail is, it was made of something that did not last. I will have to ask an architectural historian.

  3. correct... there was a sliver of the prospect hill cemetery on the west side of N. Capitol for years. around 1923 or so... when my house was built.... did they sell it to developers, who had already built from 1st street almost all the way to N. Capitol. this sliver of land allowed them to put an additional bank of row houses from W to Channing. But they had already numbered the existing houses beginning at 1st and back towards N. Capitol. However they numbered the new houses beginning on N. Capitol...resulting in a address gap around unit 20. My house was built in 1925... 28 was built in 1919. Also that's why you see a slightly different style of architecture on that last span of rowhouses just before N. Capitol. Mine is a more craftsman style than the ones farther down towards 1st are more victorian.
