
Saturday, March 18, 2017

according to the DC Policy Center, a part of Bloomingdale is a food desert

According to this article by the DC Policy Center, a part of Bloomingdale/LeDroit Park is a food desert.                

Food access in D.C is deeply connected to poverty and transportation

Randy Smith / March 13, 2017



I have copied this article's DC food desert map and exploded the part that covers Bloomingdale and LeDroit Park.  I circled the identified food desert marked in pink.

It looks like the area bounded by 2nd Street NW, V Street NW, 4th Street NW and T Street NW -- in Bloomingdale and LeDroit Park -- is considered a food desert.

And now you know that.


  1. The claims are stupid. So stupid I think the authors are trying to undermine the whole food desert idea.
    And "DC Police Center" do you mean Policy Center?

  2. I do not believe this is a stupid claim at all. Do you even know who lives here? One building is all seniors on low income who can't walk easily even to the CVS which has no fresh food except a basket of bananas and apples rotting away. I've walked with some seniors in the neighborhood and even getting to the Flagler store is difficult for some. Getting to an actual supermarket like Giant down on 7th and O or Harris Teeter in NoMa requires a bus ride for many in this area. Luckily there is the Common Good City Farm and Arcadia Mobile Market on Wednesday that serves all including doubling SNAP dollars BUT these options are only available in growing seasons. During the late Nov. through April months, people have to travel quite a bit to get to good, healthy, fresh food. Before calling this stupid, I suggest walking in someone else's shoes, and buying with their limited budget, for a bit before throwing out such a judgmental statement.

  3. To Melz: I don't know how well you know the seniors who have difficulty getting around and/or whether this is something they'd be interested in, but you probably have a good audience here to set them up with some neighbors who would be happy to pick up what they need during weekly grocery runs, or to get some extra things delivered when they order from Peapod and run them over to these neighbors.
