
Wednesday, March 08, 2017

neighbor receives ticket on the 100 block of U St NW in an "emergency no parking signs" zone (more to this story...)

See this 03-08-2017 message:

An investor who bought a house on the 100 block of U Street recently had my car towed.  As it was told to me, she stated someone took her “emergency no parking signs” down.  Unfortunately for me, she put the signs back up on Monday morning and I was ticketed and towed.  Her actions to me were very un-neighborly, but why should she care when she is going to make a huge profit on rehabbing houses in our neighborhood and will not have to deal with “us”.   It is my understanding that she made an effort to locate me and another car owner, yet I was at work.   I ended up with a $123 towing fee, $9 Uber ride to the towing office, $50 parking citation, and the stress of dealing with government officials who authorized 59 feet (about 4 car lengths) to someone to renovate one house.  Because “she paid”, I guess there was no requirement for her to ensure the signs were posted at all times.    I am thoroughly disgusted.  Wrong is wrong, and profit should never come before people – very sad.  


  1. I was able to talk to the owner of the house and all is well. She reported that someone keeps taking her signs down. She was very nice about everything. I am satisfied about the way she handled my towing situation. She was under the assumption that my car had been relocated, not impounded.

  2. wow you are nice. i would blow every fucking window out of her house (softballs).

  3. I live across the street from this location. Part of the problem is that she or her workers were putting their trash cans in the road to block out the parking spaces. They would stay there all night and blocked the spaces 24hours. Highly annoying! If you are going gto post "No parking" signs then display them adequately and legally.
