
Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Urban Turf: "McMillan developers respond to concerns raised by DC Court of Appeals"

Click on the link to read the entire Urban Turf post.

But first, see the correcting tweet from Bloomingdame:

A hearing scheduled for last week was intended to give Vision McMillan Partners (VMP) and representatives from the city the opportunity to respond to the concerns outlined by the DC Court of Appeals (DCCA) in their decision to vacate approval for redevelopment of the McMillan Sand Filtration site. While that hearing was postponed, the development team has nonetheless submitted new documentation to the Zoning Commission offering detailed justification for their development proposal.
“The Project, as currently designed, represents the only feasible alternative that can retain a substantial part of the [planned-unit development (PUD)] site as open space and make the site usable for recreational purposes, while at the same time balancing the interest in leveraging this site to advance objectives for housing, economic development, and community facilities; improving tree canopy and reducing urban runoff; and promoting high-quality design,” the cover letter explains.
More-detailed responses are summarized below.

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