
Saturday, April 01, 2017

2017 Bloomingdale Civic Association House Tour Committee SHOUT OUT for HELP with a "History of Arts & Letters in Bloomingdale"

See this latest message from Bertha Holliday, Chair of the Bloomingdale Civic Association House Tour Committee:



  1. Bertha, and anyone else interested in the Barnett-Aden Gallery -

    In 2008, Janet Gail Abbott wrote her dissertation on the gallery. It is available online (for a fee, I think). I have a copy but it does not include the "figures", a lot of which are examples from the shows and would be nice to have. Robert Johnson (BET) bought the collection and has donated some of the works to the new NMAAHC, so they may have information.

    Since it is on the African American Heritage Trail, Cultural Tourism may have more information than this description published on their site.

  2. Not a specific person, but the wonderful and detailed history of Dunbar High School "First Class: The Legacy of Dunbar, America's First Black Public High School" by Alison Stewart mentions in passing many famous and accomplished artists, writers, scientists, etc. who lived and worked in the neighborhood, either at Howard or at Dunbar.
