
Friday, April 28, 2017

Zoning Order 14-11B disproportionate rear extension (past 10 feet) amendment now published in the DC Register

See these tweets:


And here is some info from the 14-11B regulation document:
Click on the link below to read the entire 14-11B:
Here is a snip from the summary statement:
The amendments address concerns about excessively disproportionate rear extensions adjoining attached and semi-detached buildings in the R-2, R-3, R-13, R-17, R-20, and RF zones by adding language limiting a matter-of-right rear extension to such buildings, whether as an addition to an existing building or as new construction, from extending further than ten feet (10 ft.) beyond the farthest rear wall of an adjoining principal residential building on an adjoining property (10-foot limitation). The amendments allow a rear extension to extend further than ten feet (10 ft.) if approved as a special exception.
Here is the detail:
Chapter 3, RESIDENTIAL HOUSE ZONES – R-1-A, R-1-B, R-2, AND R-3, is amended as follows:
New §§ 306.3 and 306.4 are added to § 306, REAR YARD, to read as follows:
306.3 Notwithstanding Subtitle D §§ 306.1 and 306.2, a rear wall of an attached or semi-detached building shall not be constructed to extend farther than ten feet (10 ft.) beyond the farthest rear wall of any adjoining principal residential building on an adjoining property.
306.4 A rear wall of an attached or semi-detached building may be constructed to extend farther than ten feet (10 ft.) beyond the farthest rear wall of any adjoining principal residential building on an adjoining property if approved as a special exception pursuant to Subtitle X, Chapter 9 and as evaluated against the criteria of Subtitle D §§ 5201.3(a) through 5201.3(d) and §§ 5201.4 through 5201.6.


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