
Saturday, April 22, 2017

two weeks left for express registration on Bloomingdale Toolshare


Two weeks left for express registration on Bloomingdale Toolshare
Bloomingdale Neighbors:

The Bloomingdale Toolshare is currently up to 30 members and continuing to grow. The group was set up for members of Bloomingdale to request and borrow tools from each other, give advice on DIY renovations, and more! Instead of buying a tool you might only use once or twice, you can simply check to see if your neighbors have one you can borrow. All members of the group sign a liability waiver and membership agreement, and have access to a mailing list/group to make tool requests.

To join, you'll need to do the following:

1. Reside in Bloomingdale.

2. Create an account on Nextdoor ( 

3. Once you've created an account, click the "Browse all Groups" link on Nextdoor and request to join the Bloomingdale Toolshare group. Note that you will only be able to see this group if you are verified as living in Bloomingdale. We may consider expanding to nearby neighborhoods later on. 

4. A moderator will send you a waiver agreement that you can sign digitally on your computer. Once you've signed, you'll be added to the group!

We currently can add unlimited new members digitally until May 9th. After that, our ability to add new members via digital signature will be limited to 3 new members a month, and anyone else past that will have to make arrangements with a moderator to sign the waiver in person. So sign up now if you're interested!

Jay and Jamie - Bloomingdale Toolshare

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