
Sunday, May 21, 2017

another WaPo story: Gingrich spreads conspiracy theory about Seth Rich's homicide

Click on the link to read the entire Washington Post article.

Gingrich spreads conspiracy theory about slain DNC staffer

Former House speaker Newt Gingrich, a stalwart supporter of President Trump, used a Sunday-morning appearance on “Fox and Friends” to spread the conspiracy theory that former Democratic National Committee staffer Seth Rich was killed last year to cover up the true story of how WikiLeaks obtained tens of thousands of hacked Democratic Party emails.
“We have this very strange story now of this young man who worked for the Democratic National Committee, who apparently was assassinated at 4 in the morning, having given WikiLeaks something like 53,000 emails and 17,000 attachments,” Gingrich said.
“Nobody’s investigating that, and what does that tell you about what’s going on? Because it turns out, it wasn’t the Russians. It was this young guy who, I suspect, was disgusted by the corruption of the Democratic National Committee. He’s been killed, and apparently nothing serious has been done to investigative his murder. So I’d like to see how [Robert S.] Mueller [III] is going to define what his assignment is.”


  1. Hi Scott, just curious as to why you think this is an unimportant topic? Are people not at least curious as to what happened to this young man?

    1. Unknown -- what makes you say this? Who claimed it's an unimportant topic?

    2. People want justice for Seth. Not baseless claims where his death is used for political distraction.

    3. "Are people not at least curious as to what happened to this young man?"

      We all know what most likely happened to him. He was killed by the same people who were mugging people around that block all summer. The muggers freaked out, ran, and stopped coming back.

      The conspiracy theory has zero basis in fact and zero evidence to back it up.

    4. Beware- anyone can comment on this blog, and some may come from trolls -not neighbors. And most of the tweets and retweets about this conspiracy are bots.

      Yesterday, one of the most outspoken conspiracy theorists was in the neighborhood, filming himself.

      You can't unring a bell, but I will never forgive Fox5 for escalating this.

  2. It's being investigated, I'm wondering if anyone in Bloomingdale know's the route Seth Rich was likely to have taken from Lou's City Bar to the 2100 Block of Flagler PI NW

  3. Bloomingdale resident - Ahhhhh, does the truth hurt you? If Seth was your son, would you be saying the same thing? Have you seen the now very public evidence? Grow up and wake up!!!

  4. Citizenalpha - maybe you can impress that upon Bloomingdale resident who blames the media for escalating this. it needs to be!!!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Yeah he was mugged but the muggers left his wallet, phone, & watch? He was WHACKED by PODESTA - "I'm for making an example of this leaker" and HILLARY "Can't we drone Assange?" - SR was the DNC leak to Wiki - thats why they murdered him.

    Naturally if it was revealed that it was a LEAK and not a HACK then the murder would lead back 2 WHO benefited - the DNC candidate - HILLARY! It's not rocket science.

    So the Russian Bull was used to cover the leak/murder and to be used against Trump to derail his election and if elected to be used in an attempt to IMPEACH him....and isn't it all playing out that way?

    Trump is this country's last chance - its david vs goliath....a citizen president vs. the DEEP STATE/MATRIX. GO DONALD!

  7. 2johnnyt - well done! Not sure if you know the entire story of David vs Goliath but...David JUMPED at the chance to take him on when others 3 and 4x his size wouldn't. Trump is this little guy taking on the enormous, lazy, corrupt establishment and he WILL WIN!

  8. So Cal girl - I too live in So Cal. I couldn't agree more with what you shared. In fact, it's refreshing.
