
Wednesday, May 31, 2017

DC Water 1st Street Tunnel - parking and roadway stripping issues (plus tree plantings & box fencing info)

From: [] On Behalf Of Sierra, Horacio (SMD 5E08)
Sent: Wednesday, May 31, 2017 2:45 PM To:
Subject: First Street - Parking and Roadway Stripping Issues

​Please see this note from DC Water regarding First Street.


Horacio Sierra, Ph.D.
ANC 5E08 Commissioner

From: Tanya M. Hedgepeth <>
Sent: Wednesday, May 31, 2017 2:10 PM To: Sierra, Horacio (SMD 5E08)
Subject: Parking and Roadway Stripping Issues

Good Afternoon Commissioner Sierra,

We are still trying to complete our restoration efforts. However, residents continue to not adhere to the no parking signs. Can you ask residents to help us with our efforts. From what I understand every block between U Street and Channing is having this issue.

Also, the tree plantings and tree box fencing on Adams will be completed between 6/5 to 6/9.

Additionally, there were some questions about Adams Street Alley and Sidewalks. The team is gathering the pre-construction photos and I will let you know if we able to address these.

Thanks, Tanya

Tanya Hedgepeth | Construction Outreach Coordinator, Department of External Affairs
District of Columbia Water and Sewer Authority |

5000 Overlook Avenue, SW | Washington, DC 20032

(202) 787-2202 | (202) 394-6359 (cell)| (202) 787-4122 (fax)
Water is Life! | Web | Facebook | Twitter | YouTube | Flickr

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