
Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Fox 5 DC: "Family's private investigator: There is evidence Seth Rich had contact with WikiLeaks prior to death"

From Fox 5 WTTG-TV:
And see this subsequent tweet:


  1. I appreciate what you do on the blog, Scott, but I don't think it's appropriate to post these conspiracy theory stories with zero commentary. They only serve to spread lies and cause the family more pain.

  2. I knew that a subsequent Washington Post story would be forthcoming -- and reporter Peter Hermann came through. I have posted his article here:

  3. Posting a follow-up seven hours later on the blog and in the comments on this post doesn't correct the mistake of the original post. Stories that start from the POV of conspiracy theorists should be ignored, or clearly refuted starting from the headline.

    Just look at the #BloomingdaleDC tweets on the right sidebar. Conspiracy theory believers re-tweeting Marina Marraco's (she's the one who reported this original story) tweet about Seth from last summer. There are plenty of people who believe these lies and it doesn't need to be fueled further.

  4. Agree. This is a garbage story centered on "evidence" from someone that was fired from the MPD. No credibility. It should be treated, and introduced, as such.

  5. I too appreciate your maintenance of the blog and the listserv and I understand how easy it is to get swept up in the lurid and intriguing.

    These stories have zero bearing on our relationship to each other as a Bloomingdale family and has no place alongside notices of local fundraising, flooding concerns and lost dogs.

    Obviously, amplifying the voices and rank speculation that was abhorrent and upsetting to Seth's family, would be similarly abhorrent and upsetting to members of the Bloomingdale family. What you've done here was incredibly thoughtless or incredibly careless or both.

    1. Dear Kev: your comment exhibits two fundamental flaws: (1) Scott's listserv and its sister blog are *not* merely some relay mechanisms to disseminate information about Bloomingdale flooding or lost dogs, I hate to inform you. If you do a little research on how it started, its long and storied history, you will hopefully realize your mistake. So that's your first problem, a fundamentally flawed premise from which you argue. And (2) your remark becomes a pure ad hominem insult in its very last sentence, which you definitely should've left out. It would behoove you to edit that out. Thanks.

      Indeed, to all the voices that have criticized the fact that Scott should have editorialized in the headline or another introductory paragraph, while I actually agree with your interpretation of these unfounded conspiracy theories, I fundamentally disagree with your call for Scott to play sides in this (or indeed in any matter): one of his hallmark accomplishments over the many many years he has done this has been to be a very neutral publisher, someone who will not take sides. I understand that in the current political environment, this is a rare quality and not often seen anymore, but we should commend that independence, rather than verbally and personally attack it.

    2. One further question, entirely separate from the above (ridiculous) debate about Scott's 'duties' as editor of the blog: Is there *actually* a video from the surveillance camera at the corner store (as the article mentioned, noting that it had NOT been released by MPD), or is this untrue? I merely observe here that I had personally asked then-MPD Chief Lanier (at one of the family's press meetings at the location of the murder) whether there was video from that store-front surveillance camera across the street, and she decidedly shook her head & said straight-up "no, they unfortunately didn't record anything" ... IF there is indeed "grainy" footage of two individuals approaching the victim, that would be most interesting for MPD to release (as it does with most videos these days in which the public may be of help in identifying the suspects).

    3. Semper: Yeah, I don't need an editor I am not the one claiming to be a journalist. Journalist are part of the free market and subject to the whims of public favor. I am a member of that public I found this shameful and my intention was to shame. Take care.

    4. Semper. I didn't read kev's post as isolating the blogs use as merely lost dogs or flooding. But nice job reaching.

  6. Looks like I have an editorial committee forming. I'll pass along future "questionable" content along to you for review and approval. Thanks.

    1. Hey it's your blog, you can do what you want, but if you're going to post stuff like this learn to take criticism.

  7. I work for the FBI these stories have been confirmed as false for hours now, by both FBI & MPDC. These stories are part of active Russian measures to sew discord in society. Still, mark it down, on May 17th 2017 the Bloomingdale Neighborhood Blog began carrying the same stories and headlines as the state-owned RussiaToday and Sputniknews.

    1. Right, Mr/Mrs Patel...: "I work for the FBI," said no FBI agent or employee ever, in the history of mankind.

    2. It appears most of the people here are so desperate to shut down this story while still pushing Russian propaganda. We are not going to stop putting the pieces of Seth Rich's last days together. It all sounds too much like an assassination to silence someone.

  8. The Rich's family is officially asking for a retraction & an apology.
    This is painful to watch. Why double-down on being a dupe and un-neighborly?
