
Monday, June 26, 2017

CM McDuffie issued the following statement in response to the flyers left on cars and posted overnight in Ward 5

See this tweet from our Ward 5 Councilmember McDuffie.

I do not know anything the flier that he is referencing.

See this tweet that has an image of one of the two fliers that appeared around 1st & V St NW:


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. That Arlington Nazi Richard Spencer had a rally of white supremacists over the weekend and fliers were left around DC.

  3. keep your eyes open for these key phrases and imagery common in posters from area supremacist groups who recently hit university campuses and virginia neighborhoods. if you see this or any other kind of racist vandalism, take a photo, document the location, notify the property owner if you can so they’re aware, and share around the neighborhood. if it’s city property call 311 and ask them if you should remove it but let them document the incident. you can also report it as a hate incident to the Anti-Defamation League at if anyone feels unsafe, please reach out and let your neighbors help. bloomingdale is better than this hatred.
