
Monday, June 19, 2017

DC Comprehensive Plan suggested changes from Bertha Holliday

From: Bertha 
Sent: Monday, June 19, 2017 8:25 PM
To: Scott Roberts + BCA board

Attached for your review are Comp Plan comments I have developed thus far.   I hope to develop a few more.  The language provided in BLACK  is that of the current proposed Comp Plan. My proposed deletions are noted by STRIKEOUTS; proposed additions are in RED. 

Scott if you wish, as a way of encouraging others to comment on Comp Plan, you may post these on your blog and note these and other comments will be discussed at Monday's meeting.  Comments may also be emailed to me.


1 comment:

  1. Thanks, these are mostly very good suggestions with one exception - I don't believe we should be asking the city to direct growth away from the neighborhood, which is how the "limited development" paragraph reads (even if that wasn't the intent).

    New services in the form of new restaurants, retail, gyms, grocery stores, etc., would all significantly improve the area. Additional development and some additional density would help support those services, improving day-to-day life for existing residents. Asking the city to focus on transit oriented growth could help connect the neighborhood to downtown through improved bus service. The area is zoned for residential except along the commercial corridors (RI/FL/N. Cap), so under the new zoning rules condo conversions are limited in any event -- a check on density is already in place. No one wants Bloomingdale to become NoMA, but that's not what smart growth would mean. We should welcome, not discourage, that growth.
