
Friday, June 23, 2017

historic walking tour around McMillan Park -- Saturday, 06-24-2017

See this message from Friends of McMillan Park:

Join us for a history walking tour around McMillan Park on Saturday, June 24th at 9am (rain date: June 25th). 
Dear Friend of McMillan Park,
We are planning another history walking tour through Bloomingdale and around the perimeter of McMillan Park, led by a neighbor who has compiled a tremendous amount of detail about the park and its role in our neighborhood through the years since it was first opened to the public. This will cover a lot of the information presented in a history walk we did in October last year that was well attended and enjoyed!

The tour will showcase McMillan Park, its vistas, unique history, and connection to historic landmarks in the Bloomingdale neighborhood.  The first part of the walk will include information and bonus highlights about Bloomingdale.

The tour will last approximately 1 ½ hours and will start at the Big Bear Café (located at the corner of 1st St. and R St. NW) on Saturday, June 24th at 9am (rain date Sunday, June 25th at 9am). Light refreshments will be served and a selection of some of our favorite mounted art photos of McMillan Park offered for sale at the end of the tour.

Please register by sending an email to or calling Kirby at 202 213-2690.  We are accepting up to 20 people for this tour to make sure all who join it can hear and fully participate, so we will accept the first 20 persons who register.

We are asking for a suggested donation of $20 in advance, $25 on the day of the event to benefit the Friends of McMillan Park legal fund for our case that is now before the DC Court of Appeals and will be returning following remand hearings.  Even if you are unable to join our tour, please consider a donation to help support these legal efforts.  Payment may be done via PayPal or Crowdrise links on the web page,

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