
Friday, June 16, 2017

soliciting community impact statements - for July 2017 sentencings

Something new here for the Bloomingdale Neighborhood blog.

I have been asked to post this info.

The second of three cases below might have interest to Bloomingdale residents, since it involves the Metro 80 bus, which travels along North Capitol Street.

From: []
Sent: Friday, June 16, 2017 4:45 PM
Subject: [MPD-5D] Community Impact Statements- July Sentencings

Good Afternoon 5D Residents,

Please be advised that the below criminal cases occurred in the Fifth District. These cases are scheduled for sentencing during June. If any community group would like to submit a community impact statement, please forward the statement to me at two weeks before the sentencing.

For those unfamiliar with community impact statements, a community impact statement is a written statement that describes the harm or loss that a criminal offense has caused to a community.  D.C. Code Sections, 23-1904, and 1905 (2011) prescribes that the community affected by the defendant’s crime shall have the right to submit a statement prior to the imposition of sentence.  If a community chooses to submit a community impact statement, the Court shall take it into account when an offender is sentenced. Community impact statements recognize that the effects of crime can be far-reaching. Sometimes the victim of an offense is more than one person - it is a community. The purpose of community impact statements is to allow the community to explain to the Court and the offender how the crime has affected the community.

Pursuant to the statues, the term “community” means an informal or formal association or group of people living, working or attending school in the same place or neighborhood or a group sharing a common interest arising from a social, business, religious, governmental, scholastic or recreational association.  If the statement is being prepared by one person on behalf of the community organization or association, the group or association has to give that individual authorization to prepare and submit the statement on their behalf.

The court will only accept a community impact statement that is presented by and through a prosecutorial authority, that is the D.C. Office of the Attorney General or the United States Attorney’s Office.  Communities can’t submit statements directly to the Court. The offender or their lawyer will also receive a copy of the completed community impact statement.  In order to allow time for your community impact statement to be submitted and fully considered by the sentencing judge, please return the completed community impact statement to me at least two weeks prior to the sentencing date

Thank you for your assistance.

Thank you,

Vanessa Goodwin
Assistant United States Attorney

U.S. v. Kim McCoy, 2016CF211915
Judge Ronna Beck
Charge: Distribution of a Controlled Substance
Sentencing: July 11, 2017

Members of the Narcotics Enforcement Unit were conducting Buy/bust operations in the area of the 1200 Mt. Olivet St NE DC. UC#3480 entered the area on foot in plain clothes in an undercover capacity. UC#3480 approached Defendant Mccoy and engaged her in conversation over the purchase of illegal drugs. Defendant Mccoy agreed to get the illegal drugs and UC#3480 gave her $30.00 US Currency in MPDC Pre-recorded funds. The Defendant then took the money and walked into the 1600 block of 11th Pl NE DC out of the sight of the UC’s. The Defendant then returned to the UC#3480 standing at 11th Pl and Holbrook St NE DC. The Defendant then handed UC#3480 one pink zip containing white rock-like substance (that field tested positive for cocaine). The arrest teams moved in, stopped the Defendant in the 1100 block of Queen St NE DC, and arrested her.

Ms. McCoy has a prior criminal history including felony convictions.

U.S. v. Tajai Thompson, 2016CF320374
Judge Thomas Motley
Charge: Robbery
Sentencing: July 12, 2017

On 12/12/2016, the victim reported to the Metro Transit Police Department (MTPD) that while aboard Metro bus #2209 running an 80 route in the direction of McPherson Sq, the victim observed an individual acting in an erratic manner yelling, "I am going to crack off when I get off this bus". The victim further stated that when the bus arrived at the bus stop #1002137 located at 12th St NE & Monroe St NE, Washington, D.C. it attempted to exit. The victim stated that when it attempted to exit the individual struck him in the back of the head and face causing contusions. The victim stated that it fell to the ground at which point the individual kicked the victim multiple times in the back. The victim stated that the individual then reached into its coat pocket and removed its smartrip card and the individual fled.

The victim’s card was utilized multiple times during the course of the day of the robbery and the MTPD provided still images of the suspect believed to be in possession of the card to Robbery Task Force members. Later that day, the lead detective was notified that the card was being utilized to exit the Judiciary Square Metro Station followed by an entry at the Gallery Place Metro Station at approximately 1637. At approximately 1641 hours, after being used to enter Gallery Place Metro, the card was then used to exit Union Station. The detective went to Union Station and canvassed for a suspect.  

In reference to the usage between 1619 and 1641, the MTPD provided a still image of a black male wearing a red and black checkered sweatshirt with camouflage pants believed to have used the aforementioned smartrip card. 

While at Union Station, at approximately 1740 hours, officers observed the defendant, Tajai Thompson, wearing the same clothing as the individual in the still image and holding smart trip card  in his hand. The officers approached the defendant, and he identified himself. The officers then saw in plain view the last four numbers "7286" on the Smart Trip card, as the back side of the card was facing outward. The officers recognized those numbers to be the last four digits of the victim’s stolen Smart Trip and stated "this is it" to the undersigned at which time the defendant was advised that he was being detained for further investigation. The officers confirmed that the card belonged to the victim’s account. The defendant was placed under arrest for possession of recently stolen property.  

A custodial interview was conducted with the defendant. The defendant admitted he robbed the victim of the aforementioned smartrip card aboard a bus. He stated prior to the offense he was emotionally upset by something that had happened at school, and that he was looking for someone to pick upon afterwards. The defendant specifically said he took the smartrip card because that was all he wanted. The defendant stated he had anger issues and impulse control issues.  

Mr. Thompson has a prior criminal history including a felony conviction.

U.S. v. Jedidiah Workman, 2016CF218488
Judge Danya Dayson
Charge: Burglary
Sentencing: July 28, 2017

The victim reported that between June 26, 2016 and June 28, 2016, there was a break in at the church located at 2130 24th Place, NE, Washington, D.C. 20018, through the far left front outside window. After gaining entry into the building, the person stole two MacBook Pro Laptops. In addition, the person damaged the inner doorframe to the church.

On July 2, 2016, the lead detective from the Metropolitan Police Department obtained surveillance footage of the burglary. In addition, the police obtained fingerprints from the scene and sent these prints for analysis. The fingerprints matched the defendant, Jedidiah Workman. In addition, the video surveillance was shown to witness 1, a person that has known the defendant for at least a year, and witness 1 identified the person in the burglary video surveillance as the defendant. The lead detective obtained an arrest warrant.

After his arrest, the defendant admitted to jumping over a fence of the church lot because he was homeless and hungry and admitted to going into a truck. The defendant admitted to picking up a pair of bolt cutters and later placing them back into the truck without taking them.

Mr. Workman has a prior criminal history including a misdemeanor conviction.

Vanessa Goodwin
Assistant U.S. Attorney
U.S. Attorney's Office for the District of Columbia
555 Fourth Street, N.W.  Room 5114
Washington D.C. 20530
(202) 252-7124

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