
Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Bisnow: "When public approval means naught: How federal judges are delaying 4,000 units of DC housing" -- McMillan referenced throughout

Click on the link to read the entire Bisnow article, which references Bloomingdale's McMillan project throughout.




  1. Shorter Bisnow: A pro-development publication is resentful of the meager legal protections that allow individuals and small neighborhood groups to fight being railroaded by multi-million dollar development corporations when their bought-and-paid-for representatives refuse to do their jobs.

    Why not just print "Water is still wet"?

  2. Hear hear! How much did it cost the developers to plant this "story?"

    1. Developers did not plant that story. This article is the first to tell the truth about the hypocrites who live to oppose development that is clearly well planned and beneficial to the community. Selfish and dishonest. Legislation is needed ASAP to get these matters out of the courts and back in the communities where they belong.

    2. Legislation by DC is not possible. Part of the decision of the Court of Appeals was the violation of the Covenants. The Covenants were applied by the Secretary of the Interior and DC was bound to respect them as part of the purchase. We cannot supersede Federal law.


  3. McMillan Coalition for Sustainable Agriculture shares Bloomingdales concerns about DC "food deserts". We are fighting hard to save 25 acre McMillan Park, with 20 acres of underground water filtration galleries perfect for "indoor vertical urban agriculture". Our public land at McMillan Park can serve upscale "farm to table" restaurants and provide millions of pounds of fresh vegetable and tilapia to DC's under served communities as well, while training DC youth and under-employed for real

    We need a DC Wolf Trap outdoor concert stage, a Glen Echo arts/performance campus, and a lush green Central Park for all our residents and visitors. Help found this critical amenity and fight for a green DC, for your kids and their future. McMillan is the biggest land theft since the Dutch stole Manhattan from the Lenape, in 1624, for a bag of trinkets and beads.
    see City Council testimony to Muriel Bowser on Save McMillan Park and the PR firm the DC govt. hired to squelch the communities freedom of speech.
    To ram the development down our throats the DC govt. hired Jamie Fontaine PR firm to "neutralize opposition", "move the general perception to that of majority community support", "provide continuous cover for elected officials" a violation of the Constitutional right to "petition the govt. for redress of grievances". SLIME called VMP/DMPED hired Jamie Fontaine, the smell lingers!

    The one thing the big wheeler dealers cannot stand, is when the real people get involved and we use the meager routes available to attempt to protect our interests, drives them crazy! That sleazy stuff is for billion $$ corporations and lobbyists like the Carmen Group who got David Grosso to support the Monstrosity, and corrupt politicians like The District of Corruption. How did such mediocrity get so arrogant? Well actually that is really consistent, peace.

  4. More outrage!!! DC gov. has been using our tax money to pay the NO-BID contractors (Vision McMillan Partners) $1million a year for 7 years to pay for propaganda and Jamie Fontaine PR to sell their big money deal to the public. Last I heard, our Mayor Bowser is planning to sell this park (which we should have enjoyed this past 30 years) for $17million when it is worth at least $100milion. Our tax dollars have paid or will pay for all of this. The Feds offered us this land for $1 if we would keep it a park. DC gov chose to pay $9.3million to keep their options open. Various bought, paid for, and in some cases criminally convicted, DC Councilmembers have approved much of this. A serious problem with the NO-BID plan and its 13 story office building and market rate housing is the overwhelming impact it would have on already severe rush hour traffic at the Michigan Ave/North Capital St. crossroad. In addition to frustrated drivers, this is already a danger for the area's hospitals and for fire service.

    Exciting possibilities for our enjoyment are listed in comments above. They could be scheduled to avoid rush hours. In addition to underground agriculture, people could enjoy community gardens above ground. Other possibilities are playgrounds like the splendid one in the Palisades neighborhood and the popular dog park at 17th and S Sts., NW. Underground, agriculture and fish culture could be complemented with restaurants and related uses. These would have the advantage of providing more employment for the people, and taxes to DC gov. Central Park in NY pays financial dividends to NYC. There is no reason why McMillan Park cannot provide both recreational pleasure to the taxpayers who have paid for it, but meet the needs of DC gov. for income to use for the benefit of the people. See:

    I have been told long waiting lists for community garden spaces exist. The above link includes the suggestion that senior citizens and others in Wards 7 and 8 be provided transportation to McM several time a week to garden. This should be a park for all DC, including Bloomingdale. McMillan should be DC's main public park like Central Park in NYC. The Mall belongs to the nation, and DC has no control there. We have a lot of talent in DC, we should start developing ideas of greater merit for McMillan's use as the Court of Appeals stated. Before WWII, McMillan was the only significant park that permitted African American residents to use it. After feeling the high temperatures this month, just imagine living in crowded un-airconditioned rooms and apartments. People were overjoyed to be able to spread a blanket and get some cool sleep at McMillan. After reservoir sabotage fears of WWII ended, McM was briefly reopened, but the increased higher income population in the area no longer approved of the democratic openness of the park and it was fenced permanently.

  5. I am a "real person," resident of the Bloomingdale neighborhood since 1982 [Not Brookland] who supports building a mixed use development on the McMillian site. Not community gardens, not a farm, not a park for sleeping on hot nights, but a modern development that serves the needs of a much larger community than a few plot gardeners. I'm not in anybody's pocket, have never spoken to or heard from any developers or politicians.

    1. I am a "real person" too. A person that lives just two blocks from the place. I've lived here for nearly 15 years - not that that matters at all, because it is not my intent to move, ever - I am fully invested in the community and I support the preservation AND the adaptive re-use of the place. Traffic along North Capitol St and First St. NW will only become worse with the this massive development. I regularly witness emergency vehicles heading towards Washington Hospital (THE place to go if you've been shot) and Childrens' having to go into opposing traffic when traffic is backed-up going north. We were railroaded with this despite over 6000 signatures from DC residents saying this is not something they want for this historical site. A survey of neighbors in 2012 said that nearly 70% of neighbors wanted 75% (if i recall correctly) or more of the place remain green space, and 25% developed. How many years you've been here does not make you any more of a resident than anyone else, so let's get that out of the conversation. I am not saying your opinion isn't valid, but I am saying the majority of neighbors have been disagreeing with you. The more important point is what is a better use of the place without violating laws and covenants already in place. So far, the DC govt has done every little sneaky thing to get around abiding by those covenants and laws, and ignoring the 70% or so of neighbors who weren't happy with what was being pushed on them. Further, this article as well as one I saw in WAPO recently are clearly attempts at a disgusting smear campaign of Chris Otten. Chris Otten puts in plenty of hours helping DC residents being victimized by the DC govt's attempts to place luxury condos in every little corner - displacing people who cannot afford the rising rents nor the costs of moving their homes or their lives. Chris fights hard without pay to coordinate people and help them organize. He has helped me and others. This article is complete propaganda b.s. - not the truth, not the inside scoop, just complete biased garbage.

    2. I am not doubting a thing you said but I was never surveyed, not once in all of my years. I acknowledge traffic likely will be worse, not just on North Capitol but also on 1st Street NW. I've always advocated traffic lights on first, not stop signs. I have never heard of Chris Otten nor of a smear campaign.

    3. So you are forming your concern for McMillan Park or for "the Monstrosity on Michigan Avenue" from partial or NO information,,OK!
      Our elected officials and their appointees, maybe 17, 18, 20, people are handing over a $billion public greenspace and historic site to Visionless McMillan Partners, and VMP is Bowser and McDuffie's "partner",, No conflict of interest right!They operate WITH NO effort to gain public consent,, never sought public consent, to bring another 31,000 polluting autos a day to your homes..Very bright!! I guess that is why your name is "nobody home up here".

    4. i know everything I need to about you, Daniel. Don't start your nonsense with me. Your screeds are filled with so much hatred and babble that I discount everything you have to say. I generally pay attention to calmer, sensible voices. My screen name is a play on words that amuses my friends on other blogs. I'm very sorry if you cannot stand it.
