
Tuesday, July 25, 2017

DC Office of Planning *opposes * the pursued zoning relief for the 74 R Street NW (two condo units) -- how will the BZA vote tomorrow at the BZA hearing ?

Recall that 74 R Street NW was recently converted into two units, permitted by-right under RF-1. (Here is a link.)

However, some zoning relief was needed -- for exceeding lot occupancy and for an addition to a nonconforming structure.

The Bloomingdale Civic Association voted on Monday, 06/26/2017, to support the zoning relief.  ANC5E06 Commissioner McClelland advised that ANC5E would support the zoning relief if the BCA voted for it.  So since the BCA voted for it, the requested zoning relief got ANC5E's support as well.


See the DC Office of Planning's recommendation below.

"the Office of Planning cannot make a recommendation regarding variance relief"

Note that the BZA hearing is tomorrow, Wednesday, 07-26-2017.

Will the BZA vote not to support 74 R Street NW's variance relief in line with the Office of Planning's recommendation?

We shall see.

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