
Friday, July 07, 2017

issues at northwest corner of North Capitol Street NW and Florida Avenue NW intersection

See this 07-07-2017 message from a Bloomingdale resident:

I was wondering if you had any sense of the history of actions taken by the city/police to address the loitering problem at the northwestern corner of the North Capitol and Florida intersection? The group of people in this area harasses male and female passers-by with varying degrees of aggressiveness, take up the entirety of the sidewalk (forcing pedestrians into the street), and toss their trash all around the sidewalk, not to mention abusing the stairwells of nearby houses as latrines or private spaces. It seems to have gotten out of control. 

1 comment:

  1. I think the problem has gotten worse lately, this summer. O often catch a bus at this intersection and have been harassed more often than ever before. There seems to more smoking of that stinky wacky weed too, with clouds of it smelling the area. Haven't seen any police cruisers around at all....
