
Thursday, July 13, 2017

Mayor's Agent hearing on McMillan -- Friday, 07-14-2017

From: []
Sent: Thursday, July 13, 2017 5:23 PM
To:; Ward 5 Yahoo Group ;; Woodridge 5B Yahoo Group ; Yahoogroups
Subject: [WARD5] Fwd: TMRW 10AM >> Historic McMillan Hearing >> Absurdity

Press Alert, DC for Reasonable Development
202 810 2768
McMillan Opponents Call  Developer Arguments in McMillan Case "Absurd"; Historic Preservation Hearing Set for Tomorrow

Tomorrow, July 14, 2017, at 10AM, the Mayor's Agent for the District of Columbia will host what may be the last hearing before McMillan Park supporters are forced to go back to Court again.

The developer crew of Trammel-Crow, EYA, JBG, and many other small developers, plus lawyers and designers, and PR companies (named VisionMcMillanPartners) have all been paid with DC taxpayer dollars to hoist their plans onto McMillan Park, including invoicing the city to file their Pre-Hearing Statement dated June 23, 2017.

In their filings, McMillan Park supporters have called many of the allegations in VMP's filings "absurd"

For example, VMP claims their project will generate more than one billion dollars in tax revenue and will create a "transit hub" using "all modes of transportation."

"The hyperbole has reached epic proportions," said Chris Otten, representing DC for Reasonable Development.

Andrea Ferster, Esquire, attorney for Friends of McMillan Park recently filed a Motion to Disqualify the Mayor's Agent for a conflict of interest.

These issues will be discussed at what may be the last administrative hearing tomorrow,
July 14, 2017, at 10am, 441 4th Street, NW, Suite 200S, regarding this critical public parcel of land and historic landmark consisting of 25 acres at 1st and Michigan Avenue NW.

McMillan -- what we want -- what they want!

DC for Reasonable Development

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