
Tuesday, July 18, 2017

neighbor notices water on the street around the G8 bus stop at Rhode Island Avenue NW and North Capitol Street NW

See this 07-18-2017 message:

The last couple days, I have noticed water on the street around the Eastbound G8 bus stop on Rhode Island Ave NW and North Capital. This morning, there is a lot of water pouring down the street and it looks like it is bubbling up from underneath. I am concerned that this may be a busted pipe or something, but I don't want to jump the gun. Have you gotten any other reports about this? I'm happy to give a call (311?), but I wanted to try and confirm with others before I reported anything in case it is just something innocuous.

And subsequent tweets:

1 comment:

  1. Hi, I live in the unit block of V St NW, just a few yards from North Capital Ave, and in the last days our basement water pump has worked unusually often. In light of your report, it is possible there might be a busted pipe somewhere in the area.
