
Thursday, July 13, 2017

suspicious incident on the unit block of W Street NW this morning

See this NextDoor Bloomingdale post:
Suspicious incident unit block of W St NW

Around 7:00-7:30am I walked downstairs this morning and found a man standing on our back deck, looking through our glass back door. Once he saw me, he quickly jumped the railing to the next yard, and ran out to the alley. We have an enclosed backyard but the house next to us is being renovated so he could easily climb their deck stairs and hop onto our deck. After describing him to my husband, he saw someone who met this description riding his bike around the area. My husband called the police on his way to work and the police said they cannot do anything since we did not report in person. Description of person involved – Hair: Black, Top: white tank top, Bottom: dark jeans, cuffed higher up the leg, Age: young around early 20-early 30s, Build: between lean and med build, muscular, Race: black, Sex: male, Other details: had something hanging from his back pocket (hat/or jacket?)

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