
Monday, August 14, 2017

and from WBJ: "church at 150 S St. NW in Bloomingdale has sold for $2.85M"

See this tweet:


  1. Sundays will be very different if there are no longer church services there. The Bloomingdale Civic Association held its meetings there in its early days, when the church was Tabor Presbyterian Church.

  2. Now we can drive thru without having to worry about people walking in the road!

  3. This is great news. I can't wait to see how they use the land to add to our vibrant community. Perhaps they can replace the building with a new mixed use property. There is a lot of land around the existing building, maybe it can be outdoor seating for an amazing new restaurant. Many possibilities. I would still love any type of gym/personal training option for our neighborhood. And comments above are correct, finally, fewer non-DC residents coming in to town to block our streets and parking without paying the taxes that we pay to park in front of our own homes. Maybe they have moved the church to a more convenient location for their congregation. A win-win for everyone.
