
Saturday, August 12, 2017

notice of nomination for Bloomingdale Historic District designation

See this message from the DC Historic Preservation Office (HPO). 

Note that the nomination for the Bloomingdale Historic District has been filed by the DC Preservation League on behalf of the Bloomingdale Historic Designation Coalition.  


Sent: Friday, August 11, 2017 3:56 PM
Subject: [HistoricWashington] Historic Landmark Nomination Received and Filed for Hearing

Greetings:   The DC Historic Preservation Office recently received and filed for hearing one historic landmark nomination:

Case 17-17   Bloomingdale Historic District - ANC 5E

               "Including all lots and condominiums within the following squares:  Squares 3099-3125 and 3127; plus federal Reservations 276A and 277A"  

                        - nominated by DC Preservation League

Public hearings for nominations are scheduled by the Historic Preservation Review Board as their calendar permits under the authority of the Historic Landmark and Historic District Protection Act of 1978. The nomination is posted on the HPO website at:  Select the link to the Historic District Case 17-17.

Bruce Yarnall • Historic Preservation Operations Manager
DC Office of Planning
1100 4th Street SW, Suite E650 • Washington, DC 20024


  1. Wasn't there supposed to be some sort of survey of residents before a path forward was decided upon?

  2. I had the same thought, Nate. I cannot get away from work to attend a hearing so I'll need to find out how to make certain my voice can be heard before this is rushed through. Many questions remain unanswered about the impact this could have on homeowners.

    1. Once the hearing date has been set, the Office of Planning will send every property owner a letter with the hearing date and information about how they can offer input.
