
Sunday, August 20, 2017

Randy Talley: Bloomingdale block party thanks message

See this NextDoor post from Bloomingdale resident Randy Talley:

Bloomingdale Block Party Thanks
The grill is out, the balloons and tents are down. But I suspect the friendships created yesterday are just beginning.

After months of meetings and planning with my "crew", our hearts soared as we watched neighbors, old and new, make their way to the party. Food, ice, water and smiles were happily contributed.

A SPECIAL thank you to those ASF exchange students who literally appeared out of no where, and with their organizer, worked lock-step with us to set up, serving food and manning the popular shaved ice table. Bless you all. I don't know if we could have done it without you!!! Our hope is that you were able to walk away with a sense of the love in this American neighborhood.

Residence of the 100 Block of U Street: Thank you all for allowing us to take over your Block. Hopefully you enjoyed spending the afternoon with us.

Finally, the crew: Simone, Dawn, Lena Beth, Chris , Matthew, Dwayne and Craig. What can I say? I heart you all and we have much to be proud of. Also thank so their spouses and children who pitched in!!

Let's keep that neighborhood spirit, kindness and openness alive as we move through our daily lives. Take the time to speak to your fellow pedestrians. Check on the elderly and let them know they're still important to the community. We are lucky to have such a variety of neighbors, of whom we can all learn something from I have no doubt.

I'll see you around our Bloomingdale...

Warmly Randy

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