
Monday, September 25, 2017

alert: Woman physically attacked on the 1800 block of 2nd St NE Saturday night, 09-23-2017

See this 09-25-2017 message:

From: christy
Sent: Monday, September 25, 2017 4:23 PM
Subject: Woman physically attacked on the 1800 block of 2nd St NE Sat Night (9/23/2017)

Hi Scott, 

I am hoping you can share so that we can raise awareness and maybe prevent it from happening to others.  This was also posted this on Nextdoor, but want to make other neighbors aware so that they can take extra precautions.

Woman physically attacked on the 1800 block of 2nd St NE Sat Night (9/23/2017)

A woman was physically attacked on 2nd St. between T St and Seaton Place NE across the street from McKinley.  The assault took place around 11:30 PM EST Saturday night, one block from the victims’ home.  She was walking from T St towards Seaton when a group of girls came running from behind and forcefully pushed her to the ground.  

Although they were girls, this was no child’s play.  The group of around 7 girls pushed the victim down on the sidewalk, and repeatedly kicked and punched her in the face and body.  There was no provocation prior to the incident whatsoever, no words were spoken, no name calling.  They just came running full speed behind and pushed her down and started attacking.   They did NOT ask for money, however, they did grab her cell phone after it fell out of her pocket during the assault.   A police report has been filed. 

Thankfully no life threatening injuries, but lots of bruises, cuts, scrapes, and a large knot on the head.  She is very lucky…but the next person might not be.   Several neighbors mentioned that a group of girls threw a very large rock at another neighbor on Seaton Place earlier that evening, and they also harassed several people walking their dogs (threatening to beat up the dog) on the corner of 3rd & T ST NE.   If anyone has video they would be willing share or any additional info it would be appreciated! 

I encourage anyone with any knowledge to contact Lieutenant Wright or Officer Thomas directly (202)698-0150.   The more people who report, the more attention the police will give to the matter.  Lieutenant Wright and the Sector Captain will be speaking at the Oct 2nd  ECA Meeting  (Eckington neighborhood association) about the assault, and what we can do as a community to help with this case and prevent in the future.  It is Oct 2nd at The Summit on T Street NE. Between 7-8:15 PM.


  1. The fact that an outrageous news item such as this, depicting graphic violence on a fellow resident of the neighborhood, goes without any comments is telling: whereas this horrific story goes unnoticed, the paid-for our-of-town PR hacks ( pretending to be from the neighborhood) supporting the McMillan development stay busy posting under their assumed blogger personae as Bloomingdale residents, commenting on any story that their WebCrawler notices has the words “McMillan,” “EYA,” “bribery,” or “corruption” in the title.

  2. Maybe if the multiple generations of DC youth had McMillan Park, a big central community campus with classes, activities, work programs, music, theater, urban agriculture, healthy community building programs, many of these tragic youth criminals,so violent, would be fewer. Benefit from a sense of community/integrity, loyalty to community, not hang outs , our city might have entirely different teens and young adults.
    They say this is multi generational, and sadly no way police can stop it. Police respond after the crime.
    I don't even know what people expect from the police, they can't be on every block, the police response is after the incident, she is lucky it wasn't a murder.
    It's not even logical,change needed to be coming from decades back,in culture,group interaction, stemming from life long healthy city engagement, fraternal and developing care for DC and friends, family, and respect for others and life itself...You have been to Gen Echo right? Why do the Potomac and Bethesda families and youth get amazing Glen Echo, and we are just a commodity to be sold out by McDuffie. Successive administrations collude with connected developers to steal from the people of DC, the enlightened work of engineers and designers brought to DC by Sen. McMillan.

    They planned an "Emerald Necklace" of parks, and green sward, so VISIONARY, even back in 1904. So much more necessary now for the environment and our youth
    SAVE MCMILLAN PARK,,,,,fight corruption!
