
Wednesday, September 20, 2017

December 2013 Email exchange originating from DMPED on McMillan opposition

Passed along to me: this two-page McMillan-related document from December 2013.               
This two-page document was accepted into the Mayor’s Agent for Historic Preservation remand hearing on Monday, 09-18-2017. 

It is also available in the record of the Zoning Commission remand hearings as part of exhibit 940, and is directly related to Zoning exhibit 115.


  1. That is some DAMNING content from the McMillan "developers"...
    It is indictable material, worthy almost of the current White House / Mueller probe subpoena and rising to the level of actively misleading self-serving propaganda designed to deceive the public in general and affected Bloomingdale residents in particular.

  2. What's unfortunate about the engagement of this PR firm is that they didn't do a better job. Their existence has been demagogued in such a way that it has created a narrative that the community really opposes this project with near universal agreement. The fact is, as anyone who lives in Bloomingdale knows, the community is at best divided. There's a lot of people that want this hostage standoff to stop.

    I assume our litigious "friends" of McMillan will take this back to court, but I'm hopeful the court will reach the right decision this time around, and do so quickly. It's time to get this built.

  3. There has never been an unbiased, uncoerced survey of Bloomingdale residents on this topic. There has been so much false fear mongering, so many lies distributed in pamphlets and on the street corners in a signature grab, that people have never been told the truth and asked for their honest opinions without a pen being thrust in their face while being shown pictures of starving children (err, traffic jams on route 66) saying development will bring hell and damnation to your offspring and mutate your DNA. And what is truly amazing is to check the address of many people posting on here, on other blogs, on emails and on the corners...they don't live anywhere near Bloomingdale. At best, they live in near NE Eckington, Trinidad, Shaw, Logan and Dupont. Huh? Apparently the Friends of McMillan are largely not from Bloomingdale and apparently they love to scare the crap out of Bloomingdale residents for their own benefit and delay progress and access to amenities in the Bloomingdale neighborhood. It is shameful.

    1. A then ANC Commissioner and many volunteers made a good faith effort to survey the neighborhood. There has also been a petition circulated by the FoM, open to anyone to sign. Perhaps you are conflating the two activities? Can someone from FoM clarify?

      If you are not satisfied with that survey and its results, perhaps you should contact DMPED and/or VMP to see the results of any survey that they might have conducted. I have a vague memory of receiving a postcard in an envelope from VMP - something that may have been a survey to mail back?

      I have a strong memory of when the VMP website finally came online and they had a link to sign up to receive email updates. In the fine print, it said that in requesting to receive the emails, you were also indicating your support of the project. Perhaps you could also check to see if VMP can provide you with that number.

    2. Hello, anonymous poster named appropriately “Unknown2”: I’m extremely curious about your ability to “check the address of many people posting on here”... how do you manage to do that? (Sarcasm off)

  4. There was a door-to-door survey of about 1,000 households in the Bloomingdale and Stronghold communities done in 2012, done under ANC auspices and designed by a professional statistician from NIH. No questions about the specific VMP plan were asked, only general questions about wishes for development of the site. One of the first questions was "have you ever been asked what you'd like to see on the site." As one of the many who conducted the survey, I don't recall a single positive response to that question. The city has never done any such survey. The whole thing started when then-ANC5C Chair Ronnie Edwards indicated "We already know what your community wants." That's pretty remarkable, both because no-one had ever asked and no one was planning to ask. The results of that survey were presented to the MAG, the Council, the Mayor, and made a part of the Zoning case, 13-14 where an analysis of it is visible. More surveys are a great thing, but this kind of thing takes an enormous amount of time. I think about a dozen persons visited each home on their portion of the neighborhood three times and if no contact after the third time left contact information. Nothing like that has been done before. -Kirby, Stronghold.
