
Saturday, September 23, 2017

"intruder in my house"

See this 09-23-2017 message:

I was wondering if you can put this message with the pictures of this guy who was an intruder inside of my house and refused to leave. 

My spouse and I are renovating our house, doing a lot of work ourselves we were working in the basement while we had some men doing shower pans upstairs with the door open. 

I came out of the basement, went upstairs to get something, to discover a stranger scoping my house.

I got really scared and demanded he leave but he refused to leave, I threatened to call the police he said go ahead and got angry with me, insisted he's looking for somebody he works with named Seal.

No One by that name works for us.

Finally I managed to get him out by telling him that he could get me in trouble with my insurance because he's not supposed to be there.

I took some pictures of him and wondering if anyone knows this guy, please let me know.


  1. I am sure the vest makes him invisible in the urban environment. He was looking for things to steal, most likely. His face seems familiar as someone who has hung around work sites claiming he was somehow with the city but could never provide ID.

  2. Pick up nearest weapon (loose board, hammer) and dial 911. That is all.
