
Thursday, September 21, 2017

potential bike lanes in LeDroit Park proper

From: []
Sent: Thursday, September 21, 2017 4:01 PM
To: Unknown
Subject: [LeDroitPark] Bike lanes

Good evening Residents,

This evening DDOT will present at the ANC Transportation Committee meeting, located at the Thurgood Marshall Center at 1816 12th st. N.W. at 7:00 pm, their proposal regarding the installation of two bike lanes in LeDroit Park, one at 6th st. as you head into LeDroit Park (on 6th st. between Florida Ave and U st.) and the other on located on T st. (from 6th st. to 5th st.) Please come out and share your concerns. There will also be an opportunity to discuss and to vote on this issue at the next LPCA meeting. 


Anita Norman
ANC Commissioner 1B01

1 comment:

  1. I have owned a home and lived in Ledroit Park for almost twenty years (near 2nd and U), and generally have been a supporter of Anita Norman on the ANC. However, I'm surprised by her suggestion that we should come to this event to share our "concerns." I'm hoping that the concern she is talking about is how difficult and dangerous it is to get from our neighborhood onto the growing DC bike network, especially crossing Florida Avenue, without bike lanes. Safe bike lanes have my strong support and I will weigh the ANC and Council Members' support of safe bike lanes heavily in my voting decisions.
