
Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Bloomingdale residents are invited to testify at the DC Council Committee of the Whole Oversight Roundtable on "The Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs: Permitting Services and Illegal Construction" -- Tuesday, 10-24-2017

Dear Bloomingdale neighbors,

At both the BCA on Monday night, and at the ANC on Tuesday night, residents expressed frustration about interactions with DCRA. Whether you have had difficulty getting a permit, or are experiencing problems with a nearby construction project, you have the opportunity to share your concerns with the DC Council's Committee of the Whole on Tuesday, October 24. 

This is another in a series of oversight roundtables that Chairman Mendelson is holding in response to many complaints about the performance of DCRA. 

Please sign up in advance to offer in person testimony, or if you cannot attend on Tuesday, please consider sending written testimony. 

1 comment:

  1. Other residents who may be interested in testifying are those who have recently purchase a flipped home or condo, if they think the work was not done properly, especially if they think it was something that should have been noticed in a required inspection.

    Looks like you should sign up in advance by 5pm on Friday.
