
Monday, October 16, 2017

Friends of McMillan Park: McMillan Park update; send testimony; tour on Saturday, 10-28-2017

Sent: Sunday, October 15, 2017 11:10 PM
Subject: [HistoricWashington]
McMillan Park Update; Send Testimony; Tour October 28

From the Friends of McMillan Park.

Kirby Vining

   The Zoning Commission and the Mayor's Agent  for Historic Preservation have concluded their hearings on the remand of the McMillan case from the D.C. Court of Appeals.  

Zoning held its final meeting on September 14th and instructed that an order be written -- no date or even estimated date for issuance of that order that will formally conclude the proceedings.
The Mayor's Agent for Historic Preservation held a final hearing on September 18 and instructed parties to the case to write Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law for submission by November 1, after which the Mayor's Agent will write an order concluding his side of the remand hearings. However, members of the public have the opportunity to submit written testimony for the Mayor' Agent remand hearings until October 18 when the record closes.  Contact us via the phone or email for more information on testimony, which must address the points relevant to the hearings.

We are waiting to see the orders from these two bodies and then will decide what it is appropriate to do. Likely that will involve a return to court -- depending, again, on what the orders say.   Opponents of the proposed development made an outstanding presentation, and now that part is done.
In other news, DMPED/DGS/Gilbane Construction Company announced at a recent ANC meeting that they would be starting "soon" with the rehabilitation and stabilization phase of 'the project,' working exclusively with the historic structures in the north and south service courts.  And D.C. Water is doing a first inspection of its 1st Street Tunnel, staging some equipment on the extreme southwest of the park to enter the
shaft access to the tunnel there -- work that will last a few weeks.  

That's all that is going on, at least until the orders come out from the two city bodies. And don't forget our October 28 historic walking tour through Bloomingdale and around the site! 

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