
Monday, October 23, 2017

new signage at the DC Water parking lot along 2nd St NW between W St NW and Bryant St NW - "parking is only allowed from 7am to midnight"

See this 10-23-2017 message from a Bloomingdale resident on the 100 block of Bryant Street NW:

I got one of the stickers from the First Street Tunnel Office so that I could park in the spaces DC Water set aside for that purpose on 2nd Street NW. I should also add that parking has always been pretty tight even before construction because DC Water employees park on the block and we only have parking on the south side of the block.
Anyway today I went to park in one of the 2nd street NW spaces and
saw new signage saying that parking is only allowed from 7am to midnight. What I'd like to know is who will be parking in those spots from midnight to 7 am?  And if they are to be used solely by DC Water staff during that time then Parking Enforcement needs to ensure that DC Water staff and other non-residents do not park between those hours on the 100 Block of Bryant.

Otherwise those of us who work nights, like I do, and get home in the wee hours of the morning but prior to 7am will have nowhere to park.

See these response tweets from DC Water:

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