
Saturday, November 25, 2017

can you submit letters of support regarding an easement behing Uncle Chip's Cookies, Fresh Cuts and North Capitol Pharmacy ?

See this 11-25-2017 message from the Shannon Boyle, business owner and property owner of Uncle Chip’s Cookies, 1514 North Capitol Street NW:
I am collecting letters of support (due this Monday, November 27!) to present to city council and our ANC.  It’s regarding a development going up on the corner, but the property wraps around Fresh Cuts, North Capitol Pharmacy and Uncle Chip’s.
We have been talking to the city about this since July 2014 and with the developer since July 2017 and have not come to a solution.  Right now, we are trying to collect letters so that we can get the city or the developer to consider our business needs seriously before they do the transaction with the city.
Thanks for your support! 

1 comment:

  1. Who are the letters to be addressed to (who is "Madam Chair") and
    what offices? What is the November 27th deadline, close of the
    record on this case? The matter is apparently legislation the Council
    is considering? -Kirby Vining, Stronghold (who just loves your pulled pork!)
