
Monday, November 27, 2017

"The History of Bloomingdale: Why It Should Become a Historic District" presentation -- Wednesday, 12-06-2017

See this event announcement for a special encore Bloomingdale History presentation.

Note that the first Bloomingdale History presentation was held on Thursday, 05-19-2016.  The second Bloomingdale History presentation was held on Thursday, 06-16-2016.


Wednesday, December 6, 2017
7:00 pm  
St George’s Episcopal Church, 160 U St NW

Sponsored by the *Bloomingdale Historic Designation Coalition*


.    A detailed description of the highly distinctive architecture and attractive facades that give Bloomingdale its beautifully coherent streetscapes
  .   The well-known architects who designed the houses, as well as the renowned and well-regarded builders who constructed the brick homes
.     The early land owners and how their former farms and country estates were sold and sub-divided into individual home lots
.    The significance of the first electric streetcar line in Washington, which was instrumental to Bloomingdale’s rapid development
.    The background and history of Bloomingdale’s churches
.    The racially and ethnically restrictive housing covenants once prevalent throughout Bloomingdale that prevented any person of color or other minority groups from buying a home in Bloomingdale
.    The historic 1948 Supreme Court case regarding the contested sale of 116 Bryant Street NW to a non-white person that led the Court to declare such discriminatory covenants unconstitutional and thereby forever changed housing laws throughout the United States
 .    Numerous notable past residents of Bloomingdale, including artists, performers, civic and labor leaders, and politicians and presidential political appointees
.    The history of McMillan Reservoir, with landscaping by Frederick Law Olmsted, Jr., and its early role as a park with recreational facilities, a band stand and walking paths
.     Information on what DC historic districts are
.     Examples of successful re-developments in DC historic districts



  1. This is a fantastic history presentation with wonderful photos of Bloomingdale that you won't see anywhere else.
    Lot's of people saw it last year and loved it. We live in the prettiest and best neighborhood in DC. Let's keep it that way. Don't miss the History of Bloomingdale.

  2. It was a terrific presentation last year and a unique history that everybody might want to know about.
