
Saturday, December 23, 2017

hold placed on the raze permit for 150 S Street NW, as a result of the historic landmark nomination filing

Regarding the development plans for 150 S Street NW -- the Eritrean Church corner property at 2nd and S Street NW:

The property owner has announced plans to demolish the church buildings and build four new construction rowhouses, each rowhouse with two units.

Here is a snip of the raze permit application -- which is different than a raze permit being issued -- from this past August 2017:

It was announced here at the Bloomingdale Neighborhood blog on Friday, 12-22-2017, that a historic landmark nomination has been filed for the property.

It appears that the landmark nomination has resulted in having a hold placed on the raze permit for the site.

Here is a snip of the hold that was issued yesterday, Friday, 12-22-2017:  

No raze action at 150 S Street NW for now.

Stay tuned.

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