
Tuesday, December 26, 2017

see the architectural rendering of the proposed new construction 4 rowhouse/8-unit development project at 150 S Street NW

Here is an architectural rendering from Arcadia Design for the proposed new construction four adjacent rowhouses, each with two units, for a total of 8 units, to replace the Eritrean Church building at 150 S Street NW.

Here is the proposal:

Here is what's currently there:

And note that a historic landmark nomination has been filed, which has resulted in placing a hold on the raze permit for the site.

Stay tuned.


  1. I take it from this series of posts that this is an unpopular opinion in some quarters but I actually really like this design. Looks beautiful.

  2. I'd like it a whole lot more if it had off-street parking...

    1. The proposed plan does have off-street parking.

    2. Really where? My backyard? I live next door and would love to hear all about this off street parking plan...all ears.

    3. And love the "tree" in the artist rendering on the back corner. That would be to hide the fact that my window on that side of my house will look directly into the new owner of the end unit's house!!!

  3. DCRA has determined that this project can be built as a matter of right. If the church is razed, then the developer will create four legal lots to build four rowhouses, each with two units. The houses will be 40 feet tall as the recent zoning change does not apply to three or more immediately adjoining residential row dwellings built concurrently on separate record lots.

    The developer is planning a driveway that runs north from the alley, then runs west along the property lines behind the lots. They will create two parking spaces for each of the four rowhouses, in addition to the one required behind the house to the east.
