
Thursday, December 28, 2017

Ward 5 Report: Best of 2017

From: Councilmember Kenyan R. McDuffie [] On Behalf Of Councilmember Kenyan R. McDuffie
Sent: Thursday, December 28, 2017 10:56 AM
Subject: Ward 5 Report: Best of 2017

In the closing days of 2017, we reflect on what has been a year of progress in Ward 5 and the District of Columbia. We have been inspired by our young people and senior citizens alike, we have stood together in the face of tragedy, and we have continued to move Ward 5 and the District forward. I invite you to review all that we achieved together in my 2017 Year End Report:

There are many distinct elements of my role as Councilmember: introducing and passing legislation, hosting and taking part in community events, and engaging stakeholders. Below have a look at just some of the highlights in these areas from this year.
In Service,


Introduced the Short-term Rental Regulation and Affordable Housing Protection Act and became Chairman of the newly-constituted Council Committee on Business and Economic Development.

Presented Ceremonial Resolutions honoring Ward 5 resident and former Tuskegee Airman William T. Fauntroy, as well as Ward 5 civic leader Shirley Rivens Smith. Rallied outside the U.S. House of Representatives to tell Congress to keep their #HandsOffDC!

Brought the Mayor and the Police Chief to Ward 5 for a public safety town hall. Saw the launch of a new bus route along Rhode Island Avenue, the G9.

Introduced the Managing Outdoor Work for Seniors Act, or the M.O.W.S. act, which creates a program to help seniors with outdoor yardwork. Ceremonially renamed 100 block of Rhode Island Ave NW for William H. Jackson.

Joined seniors at Seabury Resources Ward 5 Senior Day at the North Michigan Park Recreation Center. Championed and funded program to provide lawyers to low-income tenants facing eviction.

Introduced a bill to authorize a statue in each ward recognizing native Washingtonians who are people of color or women. Joined partners to host the NXG Leaders Youth Town Hall at Brookland Middle School w/ Jermaine Dupri.

Brought District Department of Transportation to a Council Roundtable in the community at Catholic University.

Another successful Chuck Brown Day! Over the course of the Council summer recess, hosted over 52 community office hour sessions throughout 14 neighborhoods, totaling over 100 community office hours.

Hosted a Community Peace Walk & Sleep Out for Solutions. Brought back the tradition of Ward 5 Day. Hosted Mayor Bowser for a community walk-through of Brookland.

Opening of the Office of Neighborhood Safety and Engagement, a key component of the NEAR Act. Hosted Ward 5 Senior Bingo at North Michigan Park Recreation Center. Successfully fought to restore service to Transport D.C. program for seniors and residents with disabilities.

Hosted a turkey drive that provided turkeys to each senior building in the Ward, as well as many seniors in their homes. Honored by the Campaign for Fair Sentencing of Youth for leadership in juvenile justice.

Hosted the Ward 5 Holiday Party, and collected toys that were donated to worthy organizations around the Ward and the District. Introduced legislation to protect senior citizens from deceptive mailers.

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