
Thursday, February 22, 2018

Bertha Holliday invites you to review and comment on the DC Comprehensive Plan Framework, the 2020 DC Historic Preservation Plan and the DC Cultural Plan

From: Bertha Holliday
Sent: Thursday, February 22, 2018 1:56 PM
Subject: DC PLANS available for public comment and/or review 

Dear Bloomingdale Neighbors and Others--

As a Bloomingdale ANC Commissioner, I would like to call to your attention the availability of to three  DC plans available for review and/or comment by residents.  Each of these plans has significant implications for Bloomingdale.  So I encourage you to review at least one of the plans and submit your comments now or at forthcoming Council hearings.  If comments are submitted, I would greatly appreciate receiving a copy, so I might better understand your  priorities and concerns.

The Plans are:

The Comprehensive Plan Framework - The current plan  (adopted in 2006) provides a 20-year framework for DC's growth and development .  Specifically, he Plan guides DC's public services, infrastructure and capital investment.  It also  guides land use and zoning  (density and design) of DC buildings.  All Zoning Commission decisions should be consistent with the Comp Plan.  This Plan was amended in 2011 and is now being amended again.    Comments for use in amending this Plan were solicited in 2017. To date, only the "Framework" element of the Plan has been released for review.  The 'Framework";  a) describes factors driving change in DC, b) provides data on current and future changes, c)  provides a vision for DC's growth and development along with related "principles" , and d) describes the function and use 

of the Plan's Generalized Policy Map and Future Land Use Map, and DC's Capital Investment Budget.  Your comments on the Framework can be presented at future Council hearings on the Plan.  

The 2020 DC Historic Preservation Plan -- [READ THIS PLAN IF YOU WANT TO UNDERSTAND HOW HP WORKS!].
The first DC historic district was established in 1950 (Georgetown). Subsequently preservation  advocates protested against such things as the replacement of obsolete structures with parking lots, the destruction of neighborhoods by freeways, and urban renewal strategies that resulted in razing 95% of the structures in DC's SW quadrant and massive dislocation.  HP advocates believe the social fabric of neighborhoods were irreplaceable assets that should be preserved and renewed.  Finally, the DC HP office was established in by 1978 Historic Landmark and Historic District Protection Act.  The 2020 Plan represents an update of the 2016 HP Plan.  

The 2020 HP Plan focuses on:   a) Describing a vision for preservation and reviewing the history and achievements of preservation in DC; b) assessing strengths and challenges of HP; c) establishing an agenda for preservation action in DC and stating associated updated goals and objectives; and d) providing a list of resources and information.  

Currently in DC, there are 700 historic landmarks and 64 historic districts ( half of which are local neighborhoods) with 27,000 'contributing' properties. 

The 2020 HP Plan is available at:  

Public comments are welcome until March 1, 2018 and can be submitted by email to: 


This Plan was authorized by the Cultural  Plan for the District Act of 2015, and serves to flesh out the notion of 'cultural sustainability'.  The Plan seeks to "strengthen arts, humanities, and  culture and heritage in neighborhoods, by increasing cultural participation, supporting artists and talent development, stimulating cultural production, and informing decision-making".  The  Plan encourages public and private investment (and other innovative funding strategies) in the people, places, communities and ideas that define culture in DC.  The Plan's proposed strategies include: a) community/neighborhood engagement; b) youth engagement and education; c) increased cultural public space ( e.g., affordable artists lofts) and facilities; d) use of public space to promote  community identity and heritage;  e) maximize public facilities for cultural presentations; f) create a portfolio of  cultural incubators and collective production spaces; g) promotion of cultural entrepreneurship; h) marketing of cultural events to regional residents and national visitors; i) establishing a permanent oral history program; j) supporting an art in transit program; and k) promote systemic convergence among cultural creators, space for cultural production and presentation, and cultural presenters so that DC that will be  more inclusive, diverse, innovative and  engaging.  

Many of the Plan's goals and strategies are highly compatible with those of BCA's Bloomingdale Village Square Project, (funded largely by Humanities DC), which emphasize increased community identity and sense of place through use of neighborhood history &, heritage, design and civic engagement.

The Cultural Plan is available at: 

Comments should be emailed to by February 28, 2018. 

Bertha Holliday, ANC 5E07  

Bertha G., Holliday, PhD & Associates, LLC
Independent Consultant (Diversity Assessment, Planning, Implementation & Evaluation)
49 T Street, NW
Washington, DC 20001

Co- Director
Bloomingdale Village Square Project
"Building Community Identity & Sense of Place"

Commissioner, ANC 5E07
Washington, DC

Fellow, American Psychological Association

1 comment:

  1. I greatly appreciate Dr. Holliday's posting of these three plans, bringing them to the community's notice.

    On the Framework Element of the Comprehensive Plan, which the Mayor has basically rewritten to allow the Zoning Commission to approve almost anything (using the phrase "...but not to preclude development.." in certain key phrases), the Office of Planning was obligated under law to allow a 60-day comment period, but did not. Instead, the Office of Planning forwarded the revised Framework Element directly to the Council where it is now bill 22-663 and will be considered at open, public hearings on March 20th at 9am. So that is the only way the community can comment on the Framework Element, at the March 20th hearing. I would encourage people in the community to look at the proposed redlined changes to the plan at the link Dr. Holliday provided, with particular attention to the final 20 pages of this 60-page document, and think what recourse the community, the civic associations, the ANCs would have for Zoning Commission decisions that are of questionable benefit to our community. And if this inspires concern, to sign up to testify (or send written testimony) for the March 20th Council Committee of the Whole hearing on the matter. I know of several groups who are outraged by the excessive liberties given to the Zoning Commission in this proposed revision, removing all legal and community constraints on community dialog to balance changes to our neighborhoods. -Kirby Vining, Stronghold.
