
Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Bloomingdale Civic Association historic designation survey postcard results shared at last night's BCA meeting

Last night's Bloomingdale Civic Association meeting was well attended.  Great to see so many new faces coming out.

Here are the minutes that I recorded regarding the agenda item of the recent BCA historic designation survey postcard.

Bloomingdale historic designation survey postcard results

Ms. Quinn advised that there were 48 postcards that were postmarked after the stated deadline.  She then asked if the postcards postmarked after the deadline should be included in the total survey postcard results.

Mr. Brannum made a motion to reject the inclusion of the postcards postmarked after the deadline.  The motion was seconded.  The motion passed - 21 in support, 10 in opposition.

Survey results

Total number of postcards mailed out: 3107
Total number of postcards received by the survey vendor: 516
Do you support Bloomingdale historic district designation/Yes: 234
Do you not support Bloomingdale historic district designation/No: 282

Ms. Quinn mentioned that the HPRB hearing will likely be in May 2018.

The BCA will take a vote at the Monday, March 19, 2018 BCA meeting. 

Ms. Prentice reported that the current BCA membership is currently 135.

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