
Thursday, February 08, 2018

planning the first-ever LeDroit Park house tour

Let me post this LeDroit Park announcement here at the Bloomingdale Neighborhood blog:      
From: []
Sent: Thursday, February 8, 2018 12:26 AM
Subject: [LeDroitPark] The first ever LeDroit Park House Tour: Volunteers needed

Help plan the inaugural LeDroit Park house tour!  The first of its kind in LeDroit, the event highlights the neighborhood's unmatched architecture, rich history, and great interior design.  

What's a house tour? Its an opportunity to visit some of the best designed and architecturally significant homes in the neighborhood. The open houses will be complemented by workshops about the neighborhood's history and a reception. The event is inspired by Bloomingdale's successful and popular semi-annual house tour that has been promoting the neighborhood for more than a decade.

Sponsored by the LeDroit Park Civic Association, all proceeds will support community needs.. The event will be held in fall 2018 and likely coincide with DC Design week. 

Your help is needed! Volunteer committees are forming to take on key tasks. Whatever your background, you can make an important contribution. 

Committees include working on the guidebook, house solicitation and monitoring, ticket sales and logistics, and ad sales - and more.

The 2018 LeDroit House Tour Committee will hold its first meeting on Monday, February 19, 7 pm at 1818 4th Street NW. 

If you can't make the meeting but want to be involved - or would like to see your house featured - email

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