
Wednesday, April 11, 2018

McMillan drama: Motion for Expedited Stay filed by attorney Andrea Ferster; Opposition to the Motion for Expedited Stay filed by attorney Carolyn Brown

The attached PDF is from the Applicants, that is, VMP, etc.

What is not attached here is the Motion for Expedited Stay from Andrea Ferster.  I am unsure if that document is publicly available.

From: Barnes, Dianne (SMD 5E09) <5e09"">
Sent: Wednesday, April 11, 2018 3:45 PM
To: Garnett, Eddie (SMD 5E01) <5e01"">; Williams, Patricia (SMD 5E02) <5e02"">; Thomas, Bradley Ashton (SMD 5E05) <5e05"">; McClelland, Katherine (SMD 5E06) <5e06"">; Holliday, Bertha G. (SMD 5E07) <5e07"">; Barnes, Dianne (SMD 5E09) <5e09"">; Pinkney, Sylvia (SMD 5E04) <5e04"">; Sierra, Horacio (SMD 5E08) <5e08"">; Powell, Hannah (SMD 5E03) <5e03"">;;; Jones, Nancy Darlene (ANC 5E10) <5e10 .anc="""">
Subject: Fw: CORRECTED: Oppn to Motion to Stay - McMillan Project

Community Awareness:  Please review and share.

 Respectfully Submitted By,
 C. Dianne Barnes, Commissioner
 Cell: 202-409-7155

From: Carolyn Brown <>
Sent: Wednesday, April 11, 2018 3:41 PM
To: Andrea Ferster; Jackson, Julianna (OP)
Cc:; d.c. forrd (; Lieb, David (OP); ANC 1B Office (ANC 1B); Barnes, Dianne (SMD 5E09); ANC 5A Office (ANC 5A);
Subject: CORRECTED: Oppn to Motion to Stay 

Please see CORRECTED opposition attached.   

Mary Carolyn ("Carolyn") Brown
Donohue & Stearns, PLC
1750 K Street, N.W., 12th Floor
Washington, D.C.  20006

From: Carolyn Brown
Sent: Wednesday, April 11, 2018 3:17 PM
To: 'Andrea Ferster'; Jackson, Julianna (OP)
Cc:; d.c. forrd (;; ANC 1B Office (ANC 1B)
Subject: RE: Motion for Expedited Stay, HPA 14-393

Please see the Applicants’ opposition to the motion for expedited stay.  

Mary Carolyn ("Carolyn") Brown
Donohue & Stearns, PLC
1750 K Street, N.W., 12th Floor
Washington, D.C.  20006

From: Andrea Ferster []
Sent: Tuesday, April 10, 2018 4:50 PM
To: Jackson, Julianna (OP)
Cc: Carolyn Brown;; d.c. forrd (;; ANC 1B Office (ANC 1B);; Maloney, David (OP); Marnique Heath
Subject: RE: Motion for Expedited Stay, HPA 14-393

Please file the attached motion to stay.

Feel free to call if you have any questions or need additional information.



Andrea C. Ferster **
Attorney at Law
2121 Ward Court, N.W. 5th Floor
Washington, D.C.  20037



  1. These people are criminals! They are using the courts for their crimes against our community and if we continue to stay quiet while they play out their pathological goals, we are all going to be losers!

  2. Couldn't agree more - it's time to build this thing. Enough with all this litigation nonsense.

  3. Unknown: An observation -- it is not clear which side your comment is directed to. You might wish to make this clearer in future comments.

    1. These comments are against those who are trying to continually block construction. This side of town is the most underserved commercially for years and all the court motions serve no one in our community! Children's hospital has been waiting to occupy office space here and are now talking about going to Maryland. And it should not be lost on most that this area has no rec center, has no full-service grocery store and NO RRAL PARK! This opposition to the development DOES NOT COME FROM THE COMMUNITY!

    2. You must be kidding! Trick question: who has been running to the courts every time they lose in the public square!! You are clearly disengenuious because it is more than clear that this opposition to development is not supported by the vast majority of residents here. Your signs say "Save McMillon Park. First lie! There IS NO PARK. What there is a trash and littered wasteland that was once a WATER FILTRATION SYSTEM. That is the bottom line.

  4. "These people are criminals" does not, as Scott notes, give a clue about whether one is for or against McMillan development. It might just be shaking an angry fist at the world.

  5. I still have yet to see the benefits of all this litigation. This development would help our neighborhood!

    1. THERE IS NO DOUBT THAT THIS WILL HELP OUR NEIGHBORHOOD AS WELL AS THOSE ON THE OTHER SIDE OF NORTH CAP. People who now have to get in a car to get the most basic of necessities would be much more likely to go pedestrian. No one has even bothered to quantify those numbers. As these parcels sit abandoned and surrounded by fences FOMP give tours and propagandize people and what really happens is that new housing, new jobs and millions in revenue to us and the city is lost. It also should be noted that this side of town unlike the West side, is still very diverse and is clearly not as well-served as far Northwest. If people who live here don't speak up, this activist group who go around the city explicitly to oppose development will continue to prevent this much needed development by keeping it tied up in court. VERY VERY DISAPPOINTING AND FRUSTRATIMG.

    2. There's no benefit to it besides continuing to slow down progress. It's not even a serious motion. In any motion to stay, as the attorneys for VMP point out, you have to demonstrate the likelihood that you'll succeed on your merits or suffer irreparable harm if the stay is not issued. That's basic legal precedent. The fact that the opposition brushed those off shows this is just a nuisance filing, or they just have a bad attorney.
