
Thursday, April 12, 2018

only ONE slot left in The Unified Scene Theater's upcoming Intro to Improv Comedy Class -- which starts on Wednesday, 04-25-2018

Only ONE Slot Left in Our Upcoming Intro To Improv Comedy Class at The Unified Scene Theater!

Our extremely popular classes (recently featured on local NPR affiliate WAMU as well as on “All Things Considered”) are selling out fast. In fact, right now there’s our only one slot left in our upcoming Introduction To Improvisational Comedy class, being held on Wednesdays starting on April 25th (7-9 pm). Interested? Here’s more info below, plus a link to register, below: .  

Introduction to Improvisational Comedy | Level 1 I Wednesdays, 7-9 p.m., April 25th - June 6th.

  • Perhaps you’ve seen improv comedy on television: the TV show “Whose Line Is It, Anyway?” popularized “short-form” improv comedy in both Britain and America. And some of the most prominent names in comedy – Tina Fey, Amy Poehler, Will Ferrell, Kristen Wiig, Stephen Colbert and Steve Carrell (among numerous others) – have been trained almost exclusively in this style of comedy. Students will be taught the basics of improv through exercises and games that demonstrate the fundamental principles behind this fun and exciting art form, such as: 
  • Agreement (at every point)
  • Commitment (at “Level 10”)
  • Being “in the moment” and “transparent”
  • “Checking your ego at the door”
  • Collaborating (with enthusiasm)
  • Listening (to everyone, and to everything)
  • ... so sign up here

Shawn Westfall
Artistic Director
The Unified Scene Theater

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