
Thursday, April 26, 2018

Ward 5 Report: Summer crime initiative prevention initative and save the date for Seabury Ward 5 Senior Day

From: Councilmember Kenyan R. McDuffie On Behalf Of Councilmember Kenyan R. McDuffie
Sent: Thursday, April 26, 2018 12:30 PM
Subject: Ward 5 Report: Summer Crime Prevention Initiative and Save the Date for Seabury Ward 5 Senior Day


The weather is finally starting to warm up. Residents are venturing out into the parks, patios, and stoops of Ward 5. Soon the recreation centers and libraries will be buzzing with children participating in camps and other organized programs. The parks will be busy with sports, games and other outdoor activities.

Unfortunately, in spite of all the positive activities available during the warmer months, our city typically experiences an uptick in crime. This week, the mayor and police chief released their annual Summer Crime Prevention Initiative, which is a coordinated effort to reduce violent crime through strategic prevention and focused enforcement in specific areas across the District.

Last year, the program initially only included just one Police Service Area in Ward 5 - in the Carver Terrace/Langston Terrace communities - and I asked the mayor and police chief to expand their efforts to include Trinidad; Hanover/Truxton neighborhood; Brentwood Road/Saratoga/Montana area; and the sports field and playground at Taft Junior High (Dwight Mosley Sports Complex).

I am heartened that this year the program is expanded to include Trinidad at the onset, however, I remain concerned about other areas of Ward 5, and have followed up with the police chief to request those same areas be addressed.

I continue to believe that we must re-orient our law enforcement toward a public health approach that addresses root causes. However, while we push for systemic change, we must also remain vigilant. Even with extra resources, Metropolitan Police Department cannot be everywhere and see everything. But together, as a community, neighbors, elected officials, and business owners can help to keep our community safe.

In Service,

Legislative Update

The Council is about to enter the final stages of drafting the D.C. government budget for the next fiscal year, which will begin October 1, 2018.
  • This week the Council will hold the last of the Budget Oversight Hearings, where the budget for each government agency is closely examined.
  • Next week, each committee will combine all of the budgets for the agencies under their purview into one 'Committee Report' which will be voted on by each committee at a meeting called the "Budget Markup."
  • On May 8th, the Council hods a day-long work session, where each councilmember presents their committee's budget to their colleagues.
  • Finally, on May 15th, the first of two votes on the budget will take place, followed by a second vote on May 29th.

Kenyan in the Community

Councilmember McDuffie enjoyed a great time at the DC Emancipation Day Parade with team McDuffie as they represented Ward 5. (Top Left)

Councilmember McDuffie met with Howard Law students to discuss police reform, civil rights, and the importance of protecting human rights. (Top Right)

More of Kenyan in the Community:

Kenyan in the News

Councilmember McDuffie was quoted in last week's issue of the Washington City Paper discussing the NEAR Act and the need for the Metropolitan Police Department to implement the transparency and data collection provisions to improve police-community relations:

Ward 5 Councilmember Kenyan McDuffie, who was the lead author on the NEAR Act when he was chair of the Committee on the Judiciary and Public Safety, echoes Allen’s frustration. “The police data collection provisions of the NEAR Act ... was something that we looked at from other jurisdictions,” he says. “We modeled it off of some of the work that … the former Obama administration did in police data collection, and we wanted to include it because we knew from evidence, and experience in other places, that it helped to foster better police-community relations.

Ward 5 Seniors Day Out Coming May 23

On May 23rd, 2018 Seabury Resources for Aging will be hosting Ward 5 Seniors Day out in celebration of Older Americans Month.  The Seabury Resources for Aging mission is to provide personalized, affordable services and housing options to help older adults in the greater Washington, DC area live with independence and dignity.

DATE: Wednesday, May 23
TIME: 10:00 am - 2:00 pm
LOCATION: North Michigan Park Recreation Center, 1333 Emerson St NE

Movie Screening and Discussion - Us Helping Us: The Story of HIV/AIDS in Black Gay Washington, D.C.

This Saturday, April 28th, at UDC Bertie Backus campus here in Ward 5 you are invited to a screening of Us Helping Us: The Story of HIV AIDS in Black Gay Washington D.C.  The screening is free and open to the public. Prior to the movie, a reception will begin at 6:00 pm and the screening will be followed by an intergenerational panel and community discussion.

DATE: Saturday, April 28
TIME: Reception at 6:00 pm, Film & Program: 7:00 - 8:30 pm
LOCATION: University of the District of Columbia, Bertie Backus Campus Auditorium, 5171 South Dakota Avenue NE

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